“Good. You’re who I wanted to talk to. Please, call me Sky.”
“Sure. Want to sit down for a minute?” I motion to the bench next to the office building. “How was your day? I couldn’t tell if Lacey was upset or not. Hmm… maybe she is, since she’s not with you.”
“She doesn’t know I’m here. I snuck out of our room when she fell asleep.”
My thoughts go back to watching her sleep on the plane. She’s probably even more adorable now.
“Water-skiing and being in the sun knocked us out. I think she would’ve skied all day if she could’ve.” She winces. “Her back and shoulders got pretty burned.”
“Do you want to book a cruise or something?”
“Yes, and I came for another reason.” Her eyes glimmer with mischief.
“Okay. Shoot.”
“Lacey told me all about you. Actually gushed about you, but don’t tell her I told you that. She’d kill me. She was mortified today and yesterday, as it is. You can understand why.”
I nod.
“But the funny thing is, if it weren’t you today, she wouldn’t have given a shit. She would’ve laughed her ass off because things like that happen to her all the time.”
“Why does she care so much now?”
“Because she likes you, dummy. It’s not that she wants to impress you. I think everything was a bit much. Falling in the water, finding out you have an identical twin, and that you work here. You know what I mean?”
“Yes, but seeing her again caught me off guard too. In a good way, though. She shouldn’t be upset about a misunderstanding that I had no control over.”
“How do you feel about her? Do you want to see her again?” She lifts her hand. “You know what? Don’t answer that. We’re going to Copper Cove tonight with a couple of guys we met.”
I press my lips together.Thanks for stabbing me in the heart and twisting it.Why am I jealous? I have no claim over her.
“One guy seems interested in her, but her heart and mind are somewhere else. I think you know where. Why don’t you stop by and see for yourself? Bring Josh if you want. I can help him find a date for the night,” she offers with a cheeky grin.
I said I was going to go after her. This is the opening I needed.
“I’ll think about it. Thanks for letting me know. Come with me to the front desk so I can look at the calendar.”
“Sounds good.”
“Tell me why we’re here. You never want to go to dance clubs, especially to this place,” Josh nags.
I ignore him and survey the room. If Lacey’s not here, there’s no reason to stay. I’ll suggest we have a drink and leave. It’s like a maze in here, trying to get to the bar. The music isn’t too loud yet. The dance floor on the other side of the club is only half full. I weave in between people and say polite hellos to the hotel personnel I know. Josh is no longer behind me because he’s chatting with a couple of women who were at the marina today.
He wouldn’t get off my ass about Lacey, so I had to tell him the quick version of our story. I didn’t tell him about Skylar’s visit. He isn’t the easiest person to talk to about relationship stuff. If that’s what this is. He did listen without interrupting, which was surprising. He told me if I feel something for her, then I should go after her. Not many people get a second chance. Then he changed the subject.
He brought up how I always drop what I’m doing to help other people. When Sawyer called and told me about Deb, I was on a plane that day. When Mom died, I gave up baseball after college to be home with my family and pick up the broken pieces. Josh and Chloe did too, but I always initiate everything and they follow.
I’m not someone to back down from getting what I want, unless I have to. After I saw Lacey again today and noticed how much my body and heart responded to hers, I know she’s who I want. Which is crazy because I hardly know her.
I’m almost to the bar when I see her. I freeze. She’s chatting with Skylar and some guys. Her arms are moving like they did when she fell into the water. They all start to laugh. Maybe she’s telling them the story.
I stand where I have a perfect view of her. A loose braid pulls her hair away from her exposed shoulders in her strapless top. Thin tendrils of blond and pink relax against the sensuous curve of her neck. I don’t know if it’s the lighting in here, but her skin is pretty red. Skylar mentioned something about sunburn.
Mac, the bartender, approaches me. We shake hands. “Hi, Will. Haven’t seen you around the hotel for a while. Glad you’re here.”
“Thanks. I had to fly up north for a couple of weeks. There was a death in the family.”
“Dude. I’m sorry.”