“Holy shit! That means you would live in the city. We could hang out all the time. I’m so excited.” I wrap my arm around her shoulder and squeeze her tight. “Congratulations.”
“Thanks. I’m thrilled, but nothing’s in writing yet. My boss asked me to go to the city when we get back to look at some spaces that are for rent. The new gallery will focus only on photography, which you know I love. She’s still throwing around ideas.”
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
She shrugs. “We’ve been occupied with Will since we got here. I had a feeling you might want to talk about something else now. Perfect opportunity.”
I cringe. “Man, do I suck. I’m sorry. No more talking about Will.” She raises an eyebrow because she knows I’m full of shit. “When would you need to move? Three or four months?” I lean back on my hands.
“No, earlier than that. Which is crazy because I don’t have a place to live. It’s so damn expensive in New York.”
“My apartment is small, but you can crash with me until you find something. You’d have to sleep on the couch, though. But without all the pillows! It’d be fun to have a roommate again.”
“Seriously?” She slaps her hands together, and somehow, I get covered in sand. I sit up, spitting and wiping off my face. My lips are rough like I’m giving them a sugar scrub.
“I’m so sorry!” she exclaims.
I stand up and wipe off my shorts. “No worries. Now my lips are soft and kissable. Let’s go wade in the water. My skin is going to fry off.” She follows me.
“What was I saying?” The waves splashing against my legs are so refreshing. “Oh, yeah. Yes. I’m serious about you staying with me, but you’ll have to clean up after yourself. You know I’m a little bit of a neat freak. Look at our hotel room. Your shit is everywhere, and we’ve been here less than twenty-four hours.” I poke fun at her.
“I promise I’lltryto be neater and more organized. I don’t want to intrude on your privacy, but you’re the only one I know there.”
“What privacy? Like I have guys coming and going all the time. Now I’ll have someone to watch Netflix with or share a gallon of ice cream or a bottle of wine, instead of me drinking it by myself.” I flick water at her with my foot. “And I’m not the only one you know. How about Drew and Christian? They’re your brothers too. You’ve met Christian’s wife, Jocelyn, a couple of times too. She’s sweet as can be, and she’ll suck you into the family whether you like it or not.”
“No, they’reyourbrothers. I’ve never gotten that warm feeling from them like I do from you.”
“Whatever. Don’t worry about them. You might not be blood related to us, but we’re tied by marriage. You’re part of our family, and we aren’t easy to get rid of.”
“Don’t make me cry. I’ve always wanted sisters and brothers. You feel more like a friend, so you’ll need to remind me that you’re my stepsister. I hate saying that. It makes me think of Cinderella and her wicked stepsisters. You’re far from it.”
“Does it scare you to move? You’ve lived in the Boston area your entire life.”
“I’m twenty-eight, and I’m bored with Boston. It’s time to experience something exciting, make new friends, change my surroundings.”
“I’d love to have a chance to do that, but I don’t know if I’d have the guts.”
I’m twenty-seven and wish for the same thing. Is this the age when people start to question their lives and look at what they’ve accomplished? My parents always said they got married too young and didn’t really know what they wanted to do. Then divorce happened because, when they figured it out, they wanted different things. But if they didn’t get divorced and remarried, I wouldn’t be sitting here with Sky right now. And I wouldn’t have met Will.
I splash water over my shoulders, then pat down my arms with my wet hands.Sunburn alert. “Let’s celebrate your pending promotion tonight. We should dress up and go to the dance club in the resort. I’m not usually much of a dance club person, but let’s try it out anyway.”
“Sounds good to me. Hey, I need to go back to the room before we go water-skiing.”
I follow her out of the water and pick up my flip-flops. “Me too. I want to put my hair up, and I forgot to put on sunscreen. I’ll be red as a lobster tonight if I don’t do it.”
“Tomorrow we’re going back to the marina to book one of those day cruises. Even if Will or his brother are there. Understand?”
“Yes, Mom.”
Chapter 9
“Will! Josh! Whoever you are! Stop for a second.”
I turn around, and I’m surprised to see Skylar walking toward me, waving her hand. Lacey’s not with her. I slip my clipboard under my arm and run my hand through my hair.
“Hi, Skylar. You’ve found Will.” I smile at her.