I’m a threat to you. I know that.
His chin rose at the realization.
I know you killed my mother. I saw you, Joel, and I know how big a bastard you can be, but you can’t get rid of me.
I’m not going anywhere.
An odd pride surged at the statement. Hewasn’tgoing anywhere. Just like Kenner hadn’t gone anywhere for all these years. Perhaps he was more his father’s son than he realized.
Let me tell you something else I know.
His pen sped up as he got to the point he truly wanted to make.
I know you’re my father, Joel.
I know the sick fuck who shot my mum is actually my dad.I’ve lived with that knowledge for years, but I won’t have to live with it for much longer.
Adrenaline raced around his body.
I’m watching you, Kenner. For the first time, I’mreallywatching, and I won’t stop watching.
If you come close to me or the people I love… if you so much as step a toe in my direction again, I won’t hesitate to retaliate, and I think you know I have a proven track record in this area.
If Kenner didn’t know, he could look up Tucker’s military record. Tucker knew men like Kenner would have access to those confidential records. Money could buy literally anything.
Take it from me, Joel. You don’t want to fuck with me.
You. Won’t. Win.
Do yourself a favor—stay away—but if you can’t, prepare to meet your maker.
Triumph flooded his senses as he dropped his pen.
That was everything he wanted to say.
He’d get a trusted member of staff to deliver the letter by hand and ensure it was put into Kenner’s hand directly.Tucker scribbled his signature at the bottom of the letter, folded the page and slid it into an envelope.
It was done.
Kenner would know the score, and if he wanted to discuss the matter further, Tucker would have no problem dealing with him.
In fact, it would be his absolute pleasure.
Until then, he was resolved to put Kenner back inside the box in his head. He’d ensure his security was grade A and that the woman he loved was safe, but beyond that, he didn’t want to think about the man who’d fathered him.
He had a life with Ella to be excited about. A better life than he’d ever dared to dream about. That’s what his mother would have wanted for him, and that’s what he and Ella deserved.
It was time to live.
Chapter Twenty-Four
Surprises and Revelations
“I just need to make a quick stop on the way home.” Ella leaned forward to speak to the driver as they pulled away from the front of the restaurant.
She’d had a fabulous time with her best friend, but her rising nausea had focused her mind in another direction.