Something’s wrong.
She’d known it for a couple of weeks. The funny taste in her mouth and the odd tenderness in her breasts had been an indication, but she’d managed to ignore them. The sickness, though, was something she could no longer ignore, and it was getting difficult to hide from Tucker.
“Certainly, Miss,” the driver replied. “Where do you want to stop?”
“I need a pharmacy.” Even as she settled back in her seat, her tummy lurched at the realization. The fact she wanted a pharmacy and not a doctor revealed everything she needed to know. She already knew what was wrong. “Any one will do.”
She wasn’t ill.
But she might be pregnant.
Fastening her safety belt, she glanced out of the window. Her period hadn’t come for the last few weeks, but she hadn’t immediately panicked. Ella’s menstrual cycle hadn’t always been like clockwork, and she was often a little earlier or later than expected.
However, when combined with her most recent symptoms, her late period presented the shocking probability that she and Tucker might have conceived.
It can’t be shocking.She closed her eyes as the thought ricocheted in her head.I’ve been having sex with Tucker without contraception on and off for weeks. What did I think would happen?
“Shit.” She mumbled the word, clutching her purse to her belly. There could be a baby growing in there, and she didn’t even know how she felt about the idea. But it was about time she decided.
“There’s one just up here on the left, Miss.” The driver raised his voice. “Will that do?”
“Sure.” Her gaze flitted open as she met his stare in the rear-view mirror.
The sooner she discovered the truth, the better.
“How was lunch?” Tucker leaned on the kitchen counter, looking devastatingly handsome. Her breath caught as she paused in the doorway.
He’s so gorgeous.
The kitchen in this home wasn’t quite as large as the one where she’d shot Collins, but it still provided ample space for the enormous island. Gripping the doorframe, she ran the words she wanted to say through her mind again.
“Lovely, thank you, sir.” Her throat dried as she compelled her feet to move toward him.
She’d played this part of the conversation through mentally a dozen times after she’d left the pharmacy, but after using the two pregnancy tests in the customer bathroom, it had been difficult to think straight.
“So?” His back straightened. “What’s wrong?”
Of course, he sensed something was wrong. She was notoriously easy to read, and anyway, few people knew her better than Tucker.
“I have something to tell you, sir.” She reached the other end of the counter.
“Okay.” He wandered in her direction. “Do you want to sit down?”
Did she?
Holding tightly to the pristine counter, she wasn’t sure if she could even make it to the nearby chairs without either vomiting or passing out.
“I think I’d just like to tell you.” She swallowed, placing her purse on the island. Inside that purse was the plastic answer to the question that had been on her mind. That was what she needed to tell him.
“Okay,” he repeated, coming close enough to wrap his hand over hers. “I’m listening, little girl.”
“I’m pregnant.” She blurted the announcement out with all the grace of a rampaging elephant.
“You’re pregnant.” His brow rose. “I’ll be honest, little girl. I didn’t expect you to say that.”
Her heart was hammering so fast, the edges of the room were starting to blur around her. Gasping for air, she grappled to stay upright.