The next week is rough,my body losing a bit of ground in the healing process after doing something as rigorous as what I did during the drill. The only good thing is that Natalia seems to feel terrible about it, and she’s doting on me like a mother hen. Normally, that would annoy me, but it’s different with her. She’s soft and sweet and kind, but also bossy and sexy. I like her bossy side. It turns me on. Not that I’ve been able to do anything about it, but that’s going to change soon.
I have a plan and already set a few things in motion.
When she comes in after her shift, she looks tired, and I order dinner while she changes.
Tonight, we’re going to do things differently.
“Come sit with me,” I say, patting the spot beside me on the bed.
“I need to check—” she begins.
“All you need to do is sit with me. Come on. Please?”
She looks confused but finally comes and settles next to me. I want to pull her into my arms more than anything, but my ribs wouldn’t appreciate it, so I settle for holding her hand.
“I was thinking it’s past time for us to go out on a date,” I say. “We talked about going into the city, but then I had that setback, and we spent your day off watching movies. Which is great, but I really want to get away from the palace for a few hours. Joe said we can take one of the cars, and I made us a reservation for a rooftop restaurant Sandor recommended.”
She smiles. “Sounds like you’ve been busy.”
“Well, mostly I’ve been the opposite of busy, but I do manage to get out a bit every day.”
“Dinner at Fortunata sounds wonderful.”
“You’ve been there before?”
“No, but it’s the only rooftop restaurant in Hiskale. There are a few rooftop bars, but this is the only one with a restaurant that serves upscale food. I’ve always wanted to go, but you know how much free time I have. Plus, who would I go with?”
“You and Logan never did anything like that?”
“We talked about it—not Fortunata, specifically, just going out to a fancy dinner in general—but it never happened. We had no time either.”
“Is this something you want, Natalia?” I ask quietly. “Romantic dinners, strolls along the beach or whatever? I’m trying to figure out what you need from me, but you’re hard to read sometimes.”
She pauses, chewing the inside of her cheek. “You want the truth?”
“Of course.”
“I don’t know what I need from a man. I’ve had sex, dated a little, but I’ve never had this kind of relationship. An adult relationship. Most of my experience is in groups, and back when none of us had any money. Logan and I were friends who only became lovers about a month before he died, so there was no time for romance. Honestly, this is pretty new to me.”
“Okay. Then will you be okay with letting me guide you? Just in the beginning, I mean.”
“As a matter of fact, I’d prefer it. The idea of me having to make those kinds of decisions gives me hives.”
I chuckle. “Well, we don’t want that.”
“No.” Her eyes meet mine, and I see so many questions lurking beneath.
I wish she felt comfortable enough to open up to me.
Hopefully, we’ll get there.
Before I have to leave.
It feels like time is running out, and I don’t know how to impress that upon her.
“I heard from my CO today,” I say quietly.
Her gaze narrows. “Do you have to go?”