“See you then!”
Dylan lingered, like he wanted to say something, and Ashley practically dared him.
Unlike with Cameron, she had to look up at Dylan, if only a little, and the difference was dizzying.
She wondered if Dylan, another alpha with all his supposed bodyguard training, would be a challenge. She wondered what it would be like to pin him to the ground, to prove herself as better. To roll around on the mat with him, sweat and bodies mingling and?—
“Better catch up to them. Something tells me they won’t wait.”
His lips twitched, and she couldn’t read the expression on his face, though she stared long enough she felt she should’ve been able to decipher it. In the end, he kept his words to himself and offered her a simple nod before following his charge out the door only a second later.
She deflated like a popped balloon as soon as they were gone, and went about cleaning the room, erasing the mixture of their scents and trying not to mourn it.
Warmth coursed through her blood and she knew she’d be relishing such a good sparring session the whole day.
And even into the evening, when she gushed to Kenzie on the phone about it, leaving out all the names as always. Into the night as well, once she was beneath the sheets, all of it replaying in her head.
The scent of Cameron, all sweet and heightened from his sweat. The way they’d flowed together. The way he’d looked under the lights after they were done, all flushed and panting.
Ashley groaned and rolled over, pushing her face into a pillow and trying to force the images away.
Having such thoughts about a client was disastrous, and even more so because Cameron was a celebrity. And an omega.
Plus, he had River.
Super-triple-doubly forbidden.
Unbidden, flashes of the two of them entered her mind in fictional positions.
She wondered if Cam had really done his stretches like he was supposed to. If River helped. What else they’d gotten up to after the sesh.
“Noooo,” she whined into her pillow.
She’d managed to stamp down the thrum in her veins all day, but here, alone in her bed with nothing but her thoughts to keepher company, it was rearing its head again. It trickled through her blood before settling south, and she huffed an annoyed breath.
I won’t think about him,is what she told herself as she slipped a hand under the covers.
When was the last time I hooked up with someone? I’ll think about that.
But that one beta a few weeks back wasn’t very inspiring. And alphas that only wanted to prove themselves were depressing.
River’s inspiring,a secret little voice whispered in her ear, accompanied by that image of him licking the sweat off Cameron’s throat.
Ashley buried the memory deep, unseen, and tried to focus on other things while she touched herself to a slow rhythm.
That one beta had eaten her out particularly well, and he’d done it on his knees, which always made her blood run hot. She stuck to that imagery, remembering how she’d gripped his hair and ground her hips to him, much in the same way they were rising to her own touch now.
Pleasure swirled through her, sinking low and making her stomach tense.
And suddenly, vividly, the man on his knees was replaced with Cameron.
Ashley shook her head against the pillow and removed her fingers.
“Absolutely not,” she said to the empty silence of her bedroom, her orgasm fading away.
Fact: She was attracted to her client.