Also fact: It was totally inappropriate to have those thoughts.
Ashley was a professional! So she shoved the thoughts away and tried to suffocate herself with her pillow.
She huffed. She’d just have to get used to ruined orgasms and sexual frustration.
“And this is the nest,” Cameron said, pushing open the door.
“Wow, look at this,” River said, and stepped inside.
Cam followed as he stepped down into the plush comfort of the dip in the floor, the bed-sized hole where usually an omega would sleep.
This nest, however, still had that hotel feel. Undisturbed bedding, vacuum tracks in the carpet, perfectly fluffed pillows.
Cameron usually slept in the other room, all the way across the apartment, exactly one door down from Dylan.
In Dylan’s words, “If anyone comes in, they’ll have to get through me.”
Paranoid much?
But this nest was nice, painted a moody navy blue—a shock compared to the sterile white of the rest of the apartment—and filled with a startlingly slight number of pillows and blankets.
Not that any of them had seen much use.
Until now.
River rolled over onto his side and propped his head up with an arm. “I ran into your trainer this morning, at the coffee shop. We ordered theexactsame thing.”
Cameron arched a brow. “A caramel macchiato with an extra shot?”
“You remember?” River asked, the lines around his eyes softening.
“Of course I do. It’s sweet,” Cameron remarked. “The drink.”Too sweet for an alpha.His gaze went distant as he realized it surprised him. He wouldn’t have expected Ashley to get something so sweet, and he filed this new information away in the Ashley box.Did she have a sweet tooth? Or was coffee her only treat?
I smell sweet.
Did Ashley like his scent?
“Earth to Cam,” River said, and Cam’s attention came back into focus on the curve of River’s amusement.
“Sorry,” Cam said, shaking his head.
River pursed his lips, peering at Cam a bit closer. Cam recognized this look, similar to one he’d get when he was trying to figure out a plot twist.
Then he laid down, crossing his arms behind his head.
…His toned arms, the left one covered in a sleeve of tattoos. Cam was sufficiently distracted when he said, “You know, she’s an alpha.”
Cam took River’s old pose, rolling to his left side, turned towards the beta as he reclined his head in his hand.
“Yeah?” Cam questioned.
River shrugged. “You don’t like alphas.”
“I don’t likemostalphas,” Cam clarified. “They’re knotheads who like to throw their weight around.” He was surrounded by them in the film industry, and they all left a bad taste in his mouth.