River lookedcomfortedby the declaration, and hope threaded through Cam’s ribs. How he would love to have River in his nest again, where he belonged.Home.
“How did you feel about things… after? When we were playing pack?”
River swallowed. “I would’ve enjoyed it a lot more had I not been eaten alive with guilt.”
Cam’s fingers twitched against River’s cheek. “Want to try it again? Without the guilt, this time?”
River’s hand shook as he placed it on Cam’s chest. “I can make you smell like me?” he asked, shifting closer.
Cam nodded, breath catching.
“I can kiss you in public?”
He nodded again.
“We can go to dinner together? Hold hands across the table?”
Cam agreed eagerly, reaching down to grab his hand now.
River’s lip trembled before he bit down on it, and Cam’s own swell of emotion spilled over.
“I can come home?” River asked.
Cam’s heart cracked into a hundred pieces. “I’m sorry I told you to leave.”
River leaned forward. Their lips were wobbly in the kiss, so Cameron pressed in harder, until their teeth clacked. They winced and pulled back. Cameron’s hazel met River’s green, and a chuckle spilled out.
They pulled each other into a hug, tight, tighter, until Cameron could bury his nose in River’s neck and breathe in his scent, could feel his heart beat against his own.
“I love you,” Cameron said, the words whispered into his throat and stamped to his skin.
“I love you, too. All I’ve ever wanted was to make you mine.”
Cameron didn’t know how long they stood there in each other’s arms, embracing so tightly neither of them wanted to let go.
His phone buzzed in his pocket, and he smiled against River’s skin before pushing back, running a hand through his hair, adjusting it.
“Come with me?” he asked.
River frowned in confusion before agreeing. “Yeah, sure. Where to?”
“Just outside. The little coffee cart has a great macchiato.”
“Are you trying to ply me with treats?” River asked.
Cam waved a hand in the air back and forth. “Kind of.”
The door creaked as they left the trailer, and Cam took River’s hand. Thelookon River’s face as he glanced down at their joined hands would haunt Cameron forever. The surpriseand awe and depth of meaning there made Cam even more determined to prove to River that he was worth telling the world about.
Cam was glad he’d sent that text earlier.
Cam squeezed his hand and pushed open the exit, the sunset making the lot golden and beautiful.
“I think you deserve your own headline,” Cameron said, and leaned up to kiss him, threading the hand not occupied through his hair.
The sunset was interrupted by a flash, the mechanical click of a camera lens.
River gasped, and the kiss broke, and he jerked his attention to the photographer with… a lanyard.