“I gave her access,” Cam said, turning to the girl, who studied the photos at the back of the camera. She often worked for queer- and pack-friendly magazines, and they’d crossed paths a few times.

“Now that’s a front-issue photo,” she said. “How do we feel about‘Secret’s out: Action star spotted getting cozy with screenwriter on set’?”

Cam cleared his throat. “I think that’ll certainly get clicks. How do you feel?” Cameron asked River.

River leaned closer. “She seems much more competent than my guy,” River muttered.

A laugh spilled out of Cameron at the joke, and as a smile curled across River’s lips, twitching his mustache, a burst of affection bowled him over.

He wrapped an arm around River’s waist, holding him tightly.

“Jas, this is my longtime partner, River.”

They shook hands, and Cam didn’t bother letting go of River as they did so.

“Thanks for trusting me to do you justice,” she said, nodding to Cam. “My boss will go feral for this story.”

“If you need anything else,” Cam said, “you know where to find me. Or Manny.”

Jas nodded. “Stay cute, lovebirds.”

River practically vibrated at his side, and as they walked away, River squeezed his shoulder.

“You did it,” he said, half in disbelief.

Cam smiled up at him, a pang slicing through him. He still had a long way to go to earn River’s trust again, and Cam wouldn’t take that lightly.

“Just wait until the premiere,” Cam said as they entered the warehouse again. “Will you walk me down the red carpet?”

River pulled him to a stop, and Cam was aware of Ashley and Dylan and PAs and crew still walking around. He didn’t care.

“I can kiss you in front of the reporters?”

“You can kiss me now,” Cam suggested.

River’s grin was wobbly as he leaned down, and did just that.

“Who’s Manny?” River asked a moment later, when they broke apart.

“New management. I’m happy to report he’s nothing like Christian,” Cam said.

He spotted two familiar tall frames waiting near his trailer.

“They’re not dead,” Ashley teased, and Dylan glanced up from his book, though Cam had the idea he’d clocked them far sooner.

“Excellent. I still have a job, then,” Dylan drawled.

Ashley scoffed and kicked Dylan’s knee. “How did it go?”

“We talked,” Cam said, eyes on River. “I apologized.”

Ashley and River shared a look before River nodded.

“I accepted it,” River said after a moment, that utterly soft smile back on his face.

Ashley rolled her eyes before launching herself at the beta, hugging him in delight. When River hugged her back, she purred, and Cameron chuckled at the relief in River’s expression. Seeing them together made Cam’s chest tight, overwhelming fondness filling him to capacity.

“We missed you, is what she’s trying to say,” Dylan offered with a casual shrug and not as if he was trying not to crack a smile himself.