The reply she received was from Kenzie, not Jordan.

A friend, or Dylan?Kenzie asked.

Ashley bit down on a smile, knowing she’d have some explaining to do the next day.

You got me.

Oh. My. God.Kenzie sent each word as a separate message.You’ve got to tell us everything.

Tomorrow,Ashley promised.

“What’s so funny?” Dylan asked, arm tossed around her shoulders on the couch.

“Kenzie and Jordan are back, which means I’ll have to tell them about you.”

“And why is that funny?”

Ashley glanced up at him. “Because they’ve heard about all your sins.”

Dylan let his head fall back into the couch. “Oh no. So they hate me?”

“Yeah, kinda,” Ashley said, and patted his chest.

“Dooooghouse,” River sang softly amongst chuckles from the floor in front of the couch. He was working on his laptop instead of paying attention to the movie, but that was par for the course. Each night he and Cam took turns sitting beside her. She tried not to be flattered, but her cheeks still pinkened if she thought about it too hard.

“Don’t worry, I’ll find an opportunity for you to redeem yourself with them,” she told Dylan.

“Are you going to introduce us?” he asked. “I’ll be on my best behavior.”

“Let me test the waters first,” Ashley said. “We’ll hang out tomorrow and I’ll see how they feel.”

“You’ll make a good case for me?” Dylan asked. On her arm, his finger began making circles against her skin.

“Of course I will,” Ashley promised. “I’ll tell them all your best qualities.”

“Enlighten me,” Dylan teased.

Ashley opened her mouth, then closed it, pretending to think extra hard. “Hmm…”

Beside her, Cam snorted, and Ashley elbowed him.

“I know there’s one somewhere,” Ashley mused. “Let me think a little longer.”

Dylan pinched her arm and she snickered, patting his thigh and gazing at him with a grin. Did she look as love struck as she felt?

“Rude,” he murmured, a smile tugging at his lips.

“By tomorrow I’m sure I’ll think of something,” she drawled.

Dylan squeezed his arm in and tugged her closer, planting a kiss to the side of her head. “You better,” he retorted.

Ashley practically preened at the kiss, and turned her head to offer her lips.

“If I must,” he sighed, and then kissed her properly, short and sweet and so affectionately it made her chest tight.

Just a few months ago, if someone had told her Dylan would come back into her life and they would end up together, she would’ve denied it.

But here she was, snuggled up next to him on the couch, irrevocably in love.