But they weren’t a pack. Not yet, and maybe not ever. Soon Cameron would finish filming, and then he’d move on, and Ashley would stay at the gym, and their lives would move in separate directions.
Or, in a fantasy world, she and Cameron could more freely begin to prod at all this tension between them.
Until then, they’d adhere to the bold lines and firm boundaries… tomorrow. A fresh start.
For tonight, though… maybe Ashley could indulge.
Spend the evening here and let herself and Dylan live in the fantasy for a bit.
Just one night.
One night turned into two, which turned into a week. She was on cloud nine, sleeping next to Dylan each night, cuddling up to him on the couch while Cam and River did the same.
She’d eat dinner with all three of them, and then they’d part to each do their own thing, or more likely end up watching a movie together.
Cameron put together Instagram-worthy snack displays, impressive arrays of charcuterie or flavors of popcorn and candy she’d never heard of. He claimed it was his way of spoiling her, and she tried not to let her cheeks get red about it. At least it wasn’t a sparkly dress or any more chandeliered restaurants.
She’d even come around to the 24k gold cones they smoked out of, even if she felt ridiculous doing so. She came around to the expensive strains much more easily.
She got to see the films that inspired Cam to become an actor, and a number of them left her a little teary-eyed.
Most of the movies River wanted to watch made her laugh so hard her stomach hurt.
Dylan liked gritty action movies or romcoms; there was no in between with him.
Ashley liked anything and everything, and each film they watched together taught her something new about one of them.
“What are your favorite movies?” Ashley asked one night.
“I know I’ve been introducing you to a bunch of eclectic shit, but I really love a romcom,” Cam admitted. “I was in one at the very beginning of my career, but haven’t had the opportunity to revisit it.”
She frowned at him. “Like the one that girl at the restaurant mentioned. Do you like the action movies you do?”
“Of course, yeah,” he said. “This will be the third, and I don’t know, I just want a change of pace.”
“Your manager should look into that for you,” River said. “They’re supposed to support you.”
“They’re supposed to support mycareer,” Cam corrected. “And currently, my career is in action.”
They shared a look and a flash of bitterness crossed River’s face that she’d never seen before. This must have been a conversation they circled many times.
Ashley didn’t like that. Cam should be able to star in whatever movie he was feeling, without having to adhere to what was expected of him.
“Sounds like you need a new agent,” River muttered.
Ashley agreed, silently. “It will happen. I believe it,” Ashley said.
The smile he shot her made her stomach flip, but she ignored it as they all turned their attention to the movie.
Seven days into the weirdest—happiest—week of her life, she received a text.
Hey! We’re back in town, and dropped by your place to say hi. You’re not home! Where are you?
The text was from Jordan, and their return meant her brother must have been okay.
Welcome back! I’m staying with a friend, but we can hang out tomorrow? Can’t wait to see you guys! How is your brother?