Page 33 of The Facade

We couldn’t do a single thing to prevent the worst from happening.

Carter’s eyes filled with unshed tears as well, and I knew he felt as helpless as I did with how to protect Mack from the future.

“Is that tea for Mack?” Carter wiped the corner of his eye, probably wanting a change of subject. I knew that as hard as this was for all of us, Carter was the only one who actually understood what Mack was facing since he had actually lost his mother. He’d already had to live without her for most of his life.

I watched the steam rising from the mugs. “I thought it might help him sleep at least.”

Carter patted my shoulder. “That’s very thoughtful of you. I’m sure he’ll appreciate it.”

“You’re not just using it as a cover up to spend more time alone with him, are you?” Nash narrowed his eyes at me. “Because I’m already onto you two, if it is.”

“What?” Carter straightened up, suddenly on high alert. “What are you talking about?”

“Nothing,” I hurried to say before Nash could say something that was closer to the truth than he knew.

But Nash being Nash and being addicted to drama, he said, “I caught them cuddling on Cambrielle’s bed yesterday before dinner.”

“Are you serious?” Anger instantly flashed in Carter’s eyes when he looked at me. “Is that the truth?”

“Nash is exaggerating,” I said quickly before Carter could do something stupid like go and yell at his best friend on the other side of the door. “We were not cuddling. Mack was teasing me, and I was trying to shut him up.”

“Oh, so that’s what we’re calling it these days.” Nash waggled his eyebrows suggestively, a smirk on his lips.

And if I wasn’t holding two mugs with scalding hot tea right now, I would have smacked him.

Instead, I drew in a calming breath and looked up at Carter. “Mack was trying to get me to switch rooms with him because he thought my bed was more comfortable, and Nash just came in at the wrong moment.”

“You were practically on top of him,” Nash said.

“I was not!” I lifted my mug in the air. The crazed feeling I used to get when I was younger whenever I fought with my brothers came over me. “Do you want me to pour this hot tea on your head? Because if you don’t start telling the truth, I might just do it.”

“Fine.” Nash gripped my wrist to protect himself. “So maybe you weren’t cuddling. But I just wanted to make sure your crush wasn’t coming back, and that Carter and I didn’t need to keep a closer eye on you two.”

My cheeks immediately burned at his mention of my old crush on Mack.

I could smack him.

I really could.

I glanced at Mack’s door to make sure it was still closed. Between clenched teeth, I said, “I don’t like him like that anymore. You know I like Ben. Stop saying stupid things.”

Nash just laughed. Carter, seemingly over this conversation, rolled his eyes and said, “I’m going to bed. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Goodnight,” I said.

Once Carter had disappeared down the hall and into his room, I glared at Nash and said, “Why are you such an idiot sometimes?”

“Just watching out for my little sis.” He patted the top of my head. “In fact, do you need me to help deliver the tea? Perhaps I can act as a chaperone to make sure no monkey business is happening under Mom and Dad’s roof.”

“Can you just drop it?” My cheeks flamed hot. “You know we’re not like that.”

“Okay, fine.” Nash lifted his hands in the air. “But remember, I’m just across the hall and can see everything.”

“Oh my gosh!”

I was considering setting the mugs on the ground so I could duct tape Nash’s mouth shut, but he quickly bent over and planted a brotherly kiss on my cheek. “Love you, sis. Just making sure you know Carter isn’t the only brother who cares about you.”

I rolled my eyes. “If you really cared about me, you would have shut up about five minutes ago.”