Page 34 of The Facade

“We all show our love in different ways, don’t we?”

“I guess.”

Nash finally went into his room. After taking a few calming breaths, I knocked on Mack’s door.

He opened it a few seconds later, saying, “I was wondering when you two were going to stop fighting.”

“You heard all that?” I asked.

He chuckled. “I’m not exactly deaf.”

“And you didn’t consider coming out and saving me?”

A half-smile lifted his lips. “I was waiting to hear if your crush had changed from Ben and back to me.” He winked.

“Ugh,” I groaned, blushing for about the thousandth time today. “You boys are the worst sometimes.”

“Can’t help that I think I’m a much better option than your Ben.” Mack smiled widely, showing off his perfect teeth. “But I guess everyone has their thing.”

“Just like you have your thing for Ariana Grande.”

“Too bad she’ll never love me back.” He sighed, putting a hand to his chest dramatically. “Anyway, I’m guessing you wanted to come in?”


He held his hand out for one of the mugs, and after handing him the one withThe Avengerscharacters on it, I followed him into his temporary room.

“Thanks for the tea, by the way,” Mack said after sitting on the black chair in the corner. “I was thinking about fixing myself a cup, so that was really thoughtful of you.”

I sat on the bench at the end of Ian’s bed, facing him. “I hoped it might help you sleep better.”

I took a sip of my own tea. I didn’t exactly love the flavor of it and always had to add a splash of vanilla creamer to make it palatable, but since sleeping through the night had never come as naturally to me as it did to others, I’d turned it into an evening routine.

“Are you feeling any better?” I asked, studying him. He wore a plain white T-shirt and joggers that could pass for pajamas if I didn’t know from experience that he usually slept in gym shorts and no shirt.

“Physically?” He arched an eyebrow after taking another sip of his tea. “I think I’ll be pretty sore tomorrow.” He lifted his arm. “Probably wear this bandage to get some attention over the next few days.” He winked.

Yeah, like he ever needed a bandaged wrist to get attention from girls.

“And not physically?” I asked.

“About the same.” He set his mug on the nightstand beside him, using one of the coasters from inside the drawer. “I guess you probably know that I told your brothers.”

I nodded. “They said you did.”

He pulled on the thighs of his pants and adjusted his position. “So I guess everyone is all worried about me now.”

“We just care about you,” I said. “We just want you to know that we’ll be here for you and help you in whatever way you need.”

“In whatever way I need?” he asked, something I didn’t understand passing across his face.

“Within reason, at least,” I hurried to say before he could ask for something crazy.

“Well, if you’re offering favors.” He rubbed his freshly shaven jawline. “I was just thinking about how much better I sleep in your room.”

This again?

“Are you trying to sleep in my bed again?” I asked. “Because I don’t know if you heard my brothers out there, but Nash is already suspicious and I’m starting to think that we gotverylucky no one caught us this morning.”