He crossed one ankle over one knee, leaning back in his seat. “I think it was wise of him to snatch the opportunity for outside help. He’s in over his head.”
I shrugged one shoulder. “Yeah, that’s if he’s telling the truth about everything.”
“He was desperate enough to poison his own daughter. I believe the danger he faces is very real.”
And that danger was his own family. Even after all the things I had thought of my mother, it was still difficult for me to wrap my mind around it all. Currently, Fiorus was the patriarch of their clan. He controlled their magical well, and made the rules. But his brother, the one he’d had poisoned, had hatched a plan with several others to overthrow him. It would have meant Fiorus’ death, and the nymphs taking over part of thecity for themselves. They didn’t want to stay stuck in a pocket realm anymore. They wanted their own true realm, with a boundary like the goblins, elves, fae, and angelics.
But that would require moving their well, and risking everything.
Mistral finally sipped his wine, still watching me. “You wonder if it’s the right thing to do—aiding Fiorus.”
“Well hedidpoison his own daughter.”
“But that’s not why you’re questioning things.”
I narrowed my eyes. “I had almost forgotten how annoyingly perceptive you are.”
“I prefercharminglyperceptive.”
I smirked. “Sure. If that’s your preference.”
He leaned forward again, and my breath caught as he stroked a finger between my brows. “I prefer to know just what is causing that little worried crease right there.”
I scowled. “I donothave a crease right there. And what isn’t there to be worried about? The increase on the bounty? Your unstable realm? Involving myself in nymph politics I know nothing about just to acquire the name of a certain devil?” Sebastian had acted like he didn’t recognize the name, but I had a feeling he would already be on the case while I sat by the fire and sipped wine.
His smile remained entirely serene. “You believe people should be free.”
“Of course I do, I—” I shut my mouth, realizing thatwas exactly what was bothering me about the Fiorus thing. He wanted Sebastian to return to his realm, to spy and ferret out any other nymphs plotting against him. And to do that, Sebastian needed me to bring him across.
It was Fiorus’ own business what he would do to those who opposed him, but the real issue was, I thought they were right. I thought if they wanted to have their own boundary and be a part of the city, then they should be allowed to do just that.
Only, that would take the well and the pocket realm away from everyone who wished to stay behind. So maybe there were no right answers.
Mistral stood and offered me his hand.
I looked up at him, suddenly nervous.
“I know something that might relax your nerves.”
“I’ll just bet you do.”
He rolled his eyes playfully. “Not like that. Of course, I’ll gladly keep that option open.”
I slid my hand into his and magic prickled across my skin. I reacted to all of the guys, but Mistral… It was like he embodied the pure wild magic of the land. It was simply what he was, and what it had taken to unleash my own power.
I kept my wine glass in my free hand as he helped me stand, but instead of leading me from the room, he pulled me close. His cheek brushed mine as he slid light kisses down my neck. His soft hair smelled like lavender and vanilla.
“What are you doing?” My voice was breathy, his kisses sending tingles from my neck to between my legs.
“Keeping the options open,” he breathed against my skin.
When I didn’t move away, he pulled back just enough to claim my lips. His tongue slid into my mouth and I molded my body against him, holding my wine glass awkwardly out to one side.
Never breaking the kiss, he deftly took it from me and set it on a small table, then his hands were massaging my lower back. A moan escaped me, and he took it as an invitation to delve deeper.
I reached for the waist of his pants, and he broke the kiss. The heat between us made his eyes go from stormy to almost silver. “I still have something to show you, Eva.”
“I thought that’s what was happening.” I smiled.