“That, we will continue as well.”
He took my hand again, this time actually leading me away from our seats. I grabbed my wine at the last moment, then allowed him to guide me from the room.
I wasn’t sure what he could show me that would be more exciting than taking his clothes off in front of the fire, but as long as I could have both, he could lead me into an ice cold river and I wouldn’t care.
Well,it wasn’t an ice cold river. Steam swirled across the surface of the natural spring, bordered by lush green grass and the stone pillars surrounding the courtyard. The stars were giving way to dawn overhead, but I couldn’t see the rising sun with the stone walls surrounding us.
I stepped toward the water’s edge. “Now I see what you meant about relaxing.”
Mistral came up behind me, his hands sliding down my shoulders to my upper arms. I had left my jacket back by the fire, and just his skin against my bare arms made my mind return to what we had started. “Would you like to go in?”
I looked at the surrounding stone walls. There were several windows, too high for me to see into.
He leaned his cheek near mine, pressing his chest against my back. “I swear to you if anyone sees us, I will know immediately.” He didn’t bring up the fact that plenty of his people had seen us in the nearby village when it had been overrun by vines, and I appreciated that. Despite that incident, I was still entitled to a little modesty.
And if he said no one would see us now, I knew it was the truth. I stepped away from him just enough to tug my shirt over my head, then I started unbuttoning my jeans. I glanced back at him as he watched me. “You’re coming in too, right?”
He inclined his head. “Gladly,” he hesitated, his eyes going distant, “but Gabriel is now searching for us.I believe he might findyoubefore he would even find me.”
That hit a little too close to home with Gabriel having found me in the elven forest. We still hadn’t had a chance to talk about it, and I had almost forgotten with everything else going on. “How do you know he’s coming?”
Mistral’s gaze refocused on mine. I am bound to the land, and to the stones of the Citadel. They speak to me, in a way.”
I didn’t have time to ask more questions as Gabriel walked through the nearest stone archway.
A few droplets of water had soaked into his white T-shirt from his damp hair. His hair, while already pure black, held highlights of blue and purple in the early morning light. Now that he had found us, he just stood there watching, unsure if he was welcome.
Mistral looked over at me.
I crossed my arms underneath my lacy bra. “You planned this.”
“That is not true. I would love some time alone with you, but… I leave this choice to you.”
My throat was suddenly dry at the idea of both of them in the hot spring with me. Oh gods, what had I gotten myself into?
And why was the idea suddenly all I could think about, my entire body tight with need.
“Fine,” I said, pretending I was put out even though he knew I wasn’t. I turned my back on him, removingmy boots and jeans and tossing them aside. The bra and panties went next, and I refused to look back to see what was happening as I stepped into the water.
Heat closed around my legs and I nearly groaned it felt so good. Mistral was right, it was exactly what my tired body needed. Smooth stones lined the pool, creating steps into the deeper water. I was in up to my waist when I finally heard a small splash behind me, drawing my eye.
Steam rose around Mistral, clinging to his gray skin before swirling up and dissipating in the air. Gabriel had stepped in behind him, and even though the second man was much larger, they were both a sight to behold. Mistral slender and tall, muscled but lithe, his skin and hair ethereal. And Gabriel, powerful, earthy—and looking at me like he wanted to devour me from the top down.
Mistral reached me first, taking my hand to guide me into the deeper water, now reflecting the purple and pink hues of dawn. The water reached my shoulders, pulling tendrils of my brown hair to float around me.
Mistral deftly moved my hair, cradling my back against his chest as he kissed my neck.
I closed my eyes, overwhelmed with the sensation along with my nerves about the entire situation. The connection I felt with both of them terrified me, and I wished I could read their minds. I wished I could know if it felt the same for them.
I had told Gabriel that it was my magic that hadchosen them, but he had been right. The choice had been mine, or maybe fate. Maybe it was fate that tugged the invisible strings between us.
I hadn’t heard Gabriel move, but I somehow knew he was now standing in front of me. I opened my eyes. He watched me with heat in his expression, but even after everything, he was still waiting for an invitation. I knew if I reached out to him, that would be it. That first time, I had been trying to save his life, and after that trying to keep the wild goblin magic from consuming us.
But there was no danger now. No excuses. If I gave in to what I wanted, there would be no hiding it anymore. Magic couldn’t be blamed. I would have to fully admit that it wasmychoice.
There was a flicker of hesitation in Gabriel’s eyes, and I sensed what it might feel like to just let him walk away. My heart ached at the very thought. I could sense Mistral waiting on bated breath behind me.
I lifted one hand from the water, and held it out toward Gabriel.