Vincent rocks his jaw from side to side, like he's just as hesitant to bring Holden into this as I am, but finally tips his head in a small nod. "See what you can find out. Try to make sure he isn't too suspicious of what’s going on, just in case he’s deeper into things than you expect. I don't want him getting into a mess trying to protect you."
"I don't think he would dig too deep." I chew my lower lip. "Especially since he doesn't really know what I do."
Vincent laughs, his head tipping back. "You are a sneaky woman, Jules." He stands up, leaning close, his hips braced between my thighs. "How about you set something up with him, and I'll see what I can find out. Sound like a plan?"
This is another thing I love about Vincent. He includes me. Sure, he doesn't technically want me working at GHOST, and I'm almost to the point where I understand why, but even if I don't officially work here, I'm still going to be involved. We talk about what’s happening within the company every evening at home while we’re eating dinnerand piled on the couch together watching television. The first couple of times, it was odd to see Vincent so domesticated. But the more it happens, the more reasonable he looks kicked back on a sofa in a pair of joggers, watchingThe Great British Bake Offwith me.
"Sounds good." I think for a second. "Which computer do you want me to use?" If he wants to keep Holden away from all this, I can't go back and use the computer in the pit. I definitely can’t use it if we decide to have a Zoom chat. And, considering I haven't had a chance to go pick up a new cell phone, that’s probably going to be our only option.
Which reminds me.
I poke Vincent in the stomach, the tip of my finger meeting rock-hard ab. "I need a cell phone." Technically, I still have a cell phone, it's just shut off with the battery popped out of the back so no one can trace it and figure out where I am. My boys can still easily reach me through one of the many social media apps, but I told them to only use that if it was an emergency, because data. No matter how careful you are, it's impossible not to leave a trail.
Which is why I know those fuckers who broke into my place left one. It's there, I’m just not looking in the right place. And I’m starting to get pissed off about it.
Unless someonehasdeveloped a way to make it all disappear. If that's the case, shit’s about to get real tricky for GHOST and the other groups like them.
Vincent steps to one side, scooting his chair my way. "You can use this laptop. It's not connected to GHOST in any way and the IP changes every hour."
That makes it just like the one he has at home.Between the proxy server, the VPN, and a private program similar to Tor, it would take a huge amount of work to track me down and then get through the firewalls to access my data. Probably the same amount of work we’ve put in to trying to find those pricks who showed up at my condo, which is why I’m so freaking pissed we haven’t been able to find them.
I slide off the desk and into the chair. Vincent sets me up, opening the app my son uses the most before leaning in to press a kiss to my forehead. It's one of the many sweet gestures he does on a regular basis, and I fucking eat that shit up.
I beam up at him. "Are you staying?"
His fingers slide down my cheek. "I’ll give you your privacy." His hand moves away and I miss his touch already. "Plus I need to go check in with Amos and Elias. Make sure everything is going the way it should be."
I give him a wink. "Don't forget to hit Heidi up."
He sighs. I know he's not thrilled about dealing with the Alaskan Security mess. "I will."
I offer another smile as he leaves, watching until he’s out of sight because holy crap on a cracker is that man fine. Even better, he's mine. Vincent has left nothing between us to interpretation. There's no guessing. No wondering. No questioning if he feels the same way about me that I feel about him.
I don't have to question if he wants me. He moved my whole life here. Moved me into his house and into his life. A life he’s never shared with anyone. And it has me smiling from ear to ear. I roll my eyes at myself. "You’re a freaking mess."
I type out a quick message to Holden, sending it just as an email notification pops up.
Glancing at the doorway, I hesitate just a second before opening it. Vincent never pretended he wasn't going to dig through every bit of my life, so I'm not going to feel bad about looking at every bit of his. I open the message and almost laugh when I see who it's from.
"Asshole." He could've told me he already messaged Heidi. That they'd been chatting back and forth the past couple of days.
So far it looks like she's been trying to dig up the same shit I have. Would've been nice to know that. Maybe we could have dug into it together. Combine forces rather than duplicating efforts.
Which gives me an idea. I type out a reply, grinning as I send it her way. By the time I'm done, Holden has replied to my message.
I can talk now.
I click on the video chat icon, and it starts to ring. A few seconds later, his face pops into view. He’s such a good-looking kid, even when it's clear he’s stressed, not getting enough sleep, and probably existing on pizza and pop.
"How's it going?"
He gives me a little shrug. "You know how college is."
It's been a hell of a long time since I was in college, and it was nothing like it is now, but I nod anyway. "Make sure you're getting enough rest. Everything goes to shit if you don't get enough sleep."
He rolls his eyes. "Yes, mother." He gives me a smile. "What's up?"
I can see the background behind him shifting. He'sprobably walking between classes, so he won’t have a lot of time. That means I have to jump right into this.