"I just had a quick question about IT stuff." I resist the urge to fidget and try to look relaxed. Like this is just a normal, casual question. "We've been doing some different things at work, and I came across someone who said something about being able to scrub data in a way that hides your trail." I rub my sweaty palms down my pants. "Have you heard of anything like that?"

The phone tilts away, aiming at his chest for a second before bobbing back up to his face. "I mean, it’s possible someone has come up with a program that does that." His eyes focus on the screen. "But I can’t imagine you would need it for what you do."

I shake my head. "Oh no. Not for what I do." I'm still shaking my head and have to force myself to stop. "I just thought it was interesting and was curious to see if you'd heard of anything like it in one of your classes."

His eyes move up over the phone, looking around as he continues to walk. "I haven't heard of anything like that in my classes."

"Okay. I just thought it was interesting.” I give him a smile even though I'm disappointed.

"I get it. I find that kind of shit interesting too." He slows, the background finally evening out. "I’ve got to go. I’m at my next class."

I manage to brighten my smile a little bit. "Okay. I should have a new phone in the next few days. I'll text you my number when I have it."

"Sounds good." He gives me a lopsided grin. "Love you. Hope you're not freezing your tits off."

I shake my head on a laugh, because boys. "They’reboth still hanging in there. And I love you too." I hold my smile until the chat is disconnected, and then I let it slip.

Well, fuck.

Blowing out a breath, I stare at the email icon on Vincent's computer. Hopefully Heidi is as great as it seems like he thinks she is, because she might be our only option.





I glance up at the security guard standing in my doorway, waiting for him to explain the interruption.

"You have a visitor."

Sliding off my readers, I drop them on the desk as I lean back in my chair. I’m opening my mouth to tell him I better fucking not have a visitor when a familiar voice carries in from the hall.

"You guys always this uptight here?" She makes a sound of disgust. "No wonder Vincent always acts like he’s got a stick up his ass." Heidi appears in my doorway, a bag slung over one shoulder and a giant cup gripped in her hand. "Hey, grumpy pants. Heard you need a little help."

My mouth is still open, but nothing’s coming out. Heidi's unexpected arrival has stunned me into silence. Sure, we've been exchanging emails over the past few days, but not once did I allude to the fact that we were struggling.

"Holy shit." Heidi's head rolls back, aiming her cacklinglaugh at the ceiling of my office. She swipes at one eye, clearly amused. "That is fucking awesome." Coming around my desk, she uses her big bag to bump me in the shoulder as she continues to laugh. "Move over. You gotta share."

"What are you doing here?" I roll out of her way, because I don't want to take an elbow to the face as she unpacks her computer. "And what is so fucking funny?"

"I'm here to help figure out your bullshit, and what’s so fucking funny is you didn't know I was coming." She slides her laptop onto my desk, pushing mine to one side as she continues unloading.

"You shouldn't be here. You know Pierce is going to—"

"I know you’re not about to tell me you think Pierce gets to fucking tell me what to do." Her eyes snap to mine, narrowing into a glare. "Because if that's what you're going to say, you better make sure your shit’s locked down, because I'm gonna steal all your fucking gas points from the grocery store."

I press my lips together, both to hide my smile, but also to ensure I keep my gas points. Julieanne has stocked my refrigerator well, and I've got a decent amount for this month.

"That's what I fucking thought." Heidi looks me over, her blonde brows lifting. "Are you going to get up so I have a seat to work in?"

I grind my molars together, staring her down for a few seconds. She’s out of control and I'm pretty sure could've been diagnosed with oppositional defiance at some point in her life. She’s loud and brash and does whatever she wants. Always.

I really fucking wish she would've taken me up on my job offer instead of going to work at Alaskan Security.

Standing, I slide the chair her way, sweeping one hand in the direction of the seat. "Be my guest."