Page 126 of Blood of Ancients

“Shit,” I breathed.

Magnus said, “His wound reopened.”

Zentha noticed and stopped the procession. She furrowed her straight, elegant brow. “Allow my people to care for your wounded friend. Your spring-hold is just over there.” She pointed.

“Spring-hold?” Grim asked.

Corym said, “Our lodging. A secluded dwelling with a hot spring attached to it.” When my mates made a shocked face, his lip curled in a half-smile. “Perks of being a Company-Prince, friends.”

“Say less,” Sven grunted, pushing past the group to head for the spring-hold. He was already taking off his damned scrap-shirt.

I gawked at the strong muscles of his back, flexing in the sunlight. “Sven!” I scolded.

“What, little menace? When in Rome!”

I gestured toward Kelvar. “What about the Whisperer?”

“I’ll be f-fine,” Kelvar grunted, moving his arm from over Magnus’ shoulder, who had been keeping him upright. “Go enjoy your hot springs. Gods know I could use a break from you lot.”

Corym nodded to Zentha. “He accepts your offer of aid with gratitude,maelen.” He put a hand on her shoulder, making sure she focused on him. “This man is important to our cause and group. Please see that he is all right. And also, for good measure, don’t let him out of your sight.”

Kelvar scoffed.

I stayed in the courtyard with the rest of my mates while Zentha gingerly led the Whisperer away from us, toward a different building where other blue-dressed handmaids were emerging to help bring him inside the infirmary.

I let out a long sigh. “We’re alone. At last.”

Grim said, “Thank the gods. I was thinking we’d never lose our eagle-eyed watchman.”

“Hey, careful,” Magnus said, shouldering past Grim to head for our lodge. “That’s my dad you’re talking about.”

I laughed, following Magnus while taking Grim’s huge hand in mine.

“Allegedly!” Grim pointed out, raising a finger.

“True.” Magnus shook his head, looking over his shoulder one last time. In a brooding, deep voice, he said, “I’m not done with the old man, that’s for sure. But you’re not wrong, silvermoon. I could use a fuckingbreak.”

I draped an arm over Grim and Magnus’ shoulders, off-balancing me with their height. “Then let’s go see what this spring-hold is all about.”

My mates’ eyes smoldered as they locked on mine, smirking and making me warm inside.

Grim purred, “Can hardly wait, little sneak.”

Chapter 35