Page 127 of Blood of Ancients


BY THE TIME CORYM WASfinishing telling the workers at the spring-hold who we were, Zentha had returned.

The regal handmaiden bowed to Magnus. “Your keeper is in good hands,varus.”

“He’s not my keeper, ma’am,” the bloodrender grumbled.

I quirked him a smile, then took his tattooed hand in mine, running a finger over his knuckles.

“Let me show you to your estate,” Zentha said, taking command of the group. The two workers Corym had been conversing with at the front of the building bowed their heads to her, showing me that Zentha may have been a “handmaid” here, but she had much more power and authority than she was letting on.

The elven lady led us into the multi-level building of white stone. Inside, the roof was vaulted, the craftsmanship of the carpentry immaculate. Hersir Jorthyr, our shipbuilding teacher, would be in awe.

I made a face at that thought, thinking,Ew. Definitely don’t want Ingvus on my damned mind right now.

The hall was narrow, forcing us to move single-file behind Zentha. It reminded me of a spa, or a Japanese bath house. Small doors dotted the walls to our left and right.

Through the doors, I heard various sounds: conversing, laughing . . . and moaning.

My cheeks flamed. I glanced up ahead at Corym. “Um, whatisthis place?”

Zentha answered for him from the top of the group. “The Mi’lifair Home is one of the premier spring-holds in Alokana’s Emerald District.”

“Emerald for green roofs, first level,” Corym explained. “Sapphire for blue roofs, second level. Ruby for royalty, third level.”

Zentha continued on, out of the hall, through a lavender-smelling garden, and into another section of the place. It was much bigger inside than it had looked from the outside.

“Mi’lifair acts as a rest-house, leisure-den, and pleasure-hall. It is a prime location for dalliances of nurturemaids.”

I blinked, glanced over my shoulder, and saw my mates—the human ones—were just as lost as me. “I . . . didn’t understand any of that,” I said, feeling dumb.

Zentha chuckled in her airy, heavenly way, and Corym joined her. “I’ll explain when we get there, love. Wouldn’t want your cheeks to flame any brighter than they already are.”

I scowled at his backside but accepted that.

“This is better than, uh, a tavern?” I asked, rubbing the back of my neck.

Zentha said, “Unless you’d like the pleasure-hall aspect to be in full view rather than behind closed doors,maelen.”

I wasn’t sure if she was joking or not, so I just chuckled nervously.Is she talking about people fucking in public, while other people are drinking around them? Sounds . . . well, I’m not sure how that sounds. Part of me wants to say nasty. The other part wants to say deliciously enticing.

Magnus caught on, his voice gone thick in a way that made my blood rush. “Perhaps we’ll need to visit one of these famed elven taverns at some point, silvermoon.”

Zentha giggled again. She stopped us at a door, sliding it open, and gestured inside. “Your spring-hold.”

My mates went inside first, “oohing” and “ahhing” at every little thing they saw. It was a layered room, vast, as big as ten cave-dwellings underneath Vikingrune. Windows on the other side let in shade, looking out into the garden we’d passed through. I imagined it was beautiful near sundown, when sunlight would bathe the ornamental garden.

Fluffy couches, beds, and ornate tables lined the center of the space, but set up in a way that didn’t clutter the room.

Grim slid a door off to the side open, and looking in, said, “Shit. There’s the hot spring.” His voice was excited. “Or is it a sauna?”

“Couples as both,” Corym explained, walking up to him and slapping him on the shoulder.

“I’ll leave you to your rest and relaxation, then,maelen, if everything is suitable?”

I turned to Zentha’s voice. With a small nod, I said, “Seems so, ma’am. Thank you.” I gave her a small bow, as I’d seen the other workers do when regarding the handmaid.

Zentha gave me a coy smile, mirth dancing in her shining yellow eyes, and leaned in. “I would recommend specific male suitors to meet your wants and provide entertainment while you stay,maelen. . .” Her eyes flicked into the room, to my strapping mates. “. . . But it seems you have that covered.”