Of nothingness...

Erik sat at Daisy's side all through that long, seemingly endless night. Earlier, he had removed her bloody clothing, washed the blood from her neck, then slipped a nightgown over her head. When that was done, he had brought her to his place and put her in his bed. Since then, his mind had been filled with doubts. Had she known what she was asking for? Would she regret her decision when she regained consciousness and realized the full extent of what he had done?

He groaned low in his throat. Had he done the right thing? She would be alienated from her family and friends now. Damn. He could only imagine what Alex would say. Nothing good, that was for sure.

With a sigh, he caressed Daisy's cheek. Her skin was cool, her face pale, her breathing so shallow, he could scarcely hear it even with his vampiric senses.

Bending down, he kissed her brow. "Fight, Daisy," he murmured. "I've done all I can. Now, it's up to you."

With the coming of dawn, he carried her down to his lair. Tucking her close to his side, he stared into the darkness. Tomorrow night would tell the tale. If she awoke at the setting of the sun, she would be his forever.

A voice penetrated the thick darkness, a voice speaking her name. "Erik?"

Daisy fought her way through the smothering darkness and when she opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was Erik sitting beside her on the bed, his brow creased with worry.

She stared at him. He looked the same, yet different somehow. "Is something wrong?"

He shook his head. "No. How do you feel?" Because he hadn't wanted her to be frightened by waking in his lair, he had brought her upstairs to the bedroom before she regained consciousness.

"I don't know. I feel...I don't know. Why does everything look so bright?" she asked, squinting, and then she covered her ears with her hands. "What's that noise?"

"Just a truck going by."

"It sounds like a tank."

Erik nodded. "Just take it easy. What do you remember from last night?"

"Last night? There was a young man..."


"He was a vampire!" She lifted a hand to her neck. "He bit me! It hurt more than anything...not like when you bite me..." She frowned. "And then you were there, and..." Her eyes widened as her memory returned. "What have you done? Oh, Lord, what have you done!"

"Daisy...it's all right."

"No! How could you?"

"You asked me to, don't you remember?"

She shook her head. "No...no, I wouldn't. I never wanted..." She paused, her gaze sliding away from his as another memory surfaced. Erik's voice, pleading with her. Don't leave me! Dammit, don't leave me here in the dark without you. The anguish in his voice had pierced her heart and she had asked him to bring her across, to make her what he was.

She could feel Erik watching her, his gaze wary as he waited for her reaction.

Sitting up, she ran her hands over her arms, her face. She was a vampire now, and there was no going back. She should be furious with him, with herself, yet she couldn't seem to work up any anger, couldn't even decide how she felt about what had happened. She wasn't happy to be a vampire, but she was glad to be alive. Or Undead. She wasn't crazy about the idea of existing on blood, either, she thought, and then she looked at Erik and grinned in spite of herself. At least she wouldn't have to drink alone.

Erik frowned at her. "Is something funny?"

"Not really."

"What are you grinning at?"

"I was thinking how happy I am that I don't have to drink alone."

He stared at her, bemused, and then he laughed.

Daisy laughed with him. She laughed until her sides ached.

And then she wept for all she had lost.

At a loss as to what to do, Erik could only sit there. He had never turned anyone before; he had no idea what to expect or how she would react. The main thing he remembered from his first night as a vampire was a horrible thirst, but Daisy didn't seem to be plagued by that, perhaps because, in desperation, he had given her as much of his blood as she could hold.

He swore softly. He yearned to take her in his arms, but wondered if his touch would be welcome. Listening to her cry was the worst pain he had ever known--worse than the touch of the sun, worse than the agony he had suffered in Costain's dungeon. Worse, because he had caused it. Had he done what he'd known to be right, he never would have let things go this far. Instead, he had selfishly sought her out, thinking more of easing his own loneliness than worrying about where their relationship would lead.

With a last sniff, Daisy wiped her eyes and face with a corner of the sheet. "I'm sorry, I..."

"Don't apologize. What the hell do you have to be sorry for?"

She blinked at him. "Are you mad at me?"

"What?" He stared at her, completely baffled. "Why would I be mad at you?"

"I don't know."

"Daisy, I..." He raked his hand through his hair. "I'm the one who should be asking your forgiveness."

"For what? You didn't do anything wrong. I...I asked you to bring me across."

"Yeah." He blew out a breath, remembering how he had begged her not to leave him.

"I knew what I was doing."

"Did you?"

"Of course." She tilted her head to the side. "Are you sorry you brought me over?"

"No." His gaze moved over her face. She had always been beautiful; she was even more so now. Though subtle, changes in her appearance assured that when she called, no man would be able to resist her. "Are you sorry?"

"No," she said quickly. How could she be sorry when it meant spending an eternity with the man she loved? "Unless you don't want me anymore."

"Not want you? Are you out of your mind?" He had never been less than confident around women before, but this new Daisy put him off his stride. He had expected her to be angry, to berate him for what he had done; instead, she seemed to be waiting for something, though he had no idea what it might be.


"Yes, love?"

"Aren't you going to kiss me?"

Was that what she had been waiting for? He blinked at her, and then he smiled. "As you wish," he said. "But I don't think I'll be able to stop at just a kiss."

Eyes twinkling with merriment, she smiled a seductive smile. "Who asked you to?"

Murmuring her name, he wrapped her in his arms. She was his now, he thought as he claimed her lips with his, always and forever his.

Chapter 39