Daisy shook her head as they neared her parents' home. "I don't think I can do this."

"Of course you can," Erik said patiently. "There's nothing to be afraid of."

"Hah! That's easy for you to say." Daisy glared at him. Becoming a vampire hadn't been nearly as awful as she had expected. With Erik to guide her, she had learned to use her preternatural powers until they were almost second nature. Sometimes, she wondered how she had ever existed without them.

Erik had taught her to dissolve into mist, to scurry up the side of a building as easily as a spider, to leap tall buildings, move faster than the human eye could follow. Most importantly, he had taught her the intricacies of hunting, how to attract her prey and call it to her, how to take what she needed without taking too much or doing any lasting harm to her victim. She had resisted the urge to feed as long as she could, certain that she would never be able to do it. Convinced that existing on human blood would be revolting, she had been shocked to find it immensely pleasant and not the least bit repulsive.

But nothing in the last five months had scared her as much as going to Boston to visit her family.

Daisy stared at the front door of her parents' home. Even with the door closed, she could smell their blood, hear the beating of their hearts. "Will they be able to tell that I've changed?"

Erik shook his head. "Not unless you tell them."

She had kept in touch with Alex and her parents. Her mom and dad were still mourning Brandon, of course. To Daisy's surprise, her mother had informed her that Alex was spending a lot of time with Paula O'Reilly.

"I think he's in love with her," Irene had remarked during one conversation. "Perhaps it was inevitable. They started out comforting each other and, well, it looks like Paula might eventually be a part of the family after all."

Daisy was summoning the nerve to knock on the door when she heard footsteps behind her. She didn't have to turn around to know that Alex was coming up the walk, and that he wasn't alone. Paula was with him.

"Hey, sis!"

Slowly, she turned to face him. "Hi, Alex. Paula."

Alex nodded at Erik, then threw his arms around Daisy and gave her a quick hug. "I didn't know you were coming."

"It was kind of spur of the moment," Daisy said. "Paula, I don't think you've met Erik."

Erik extended his hand. "Pleased to meet you, Paula."


Annoyed with the amenities, Alex opened the door and ushered everyone inside.

The next few minutes were spent on introductions as Erik met Daisy's parents. Even though Daisy knew her mother and father were uncomfortable with having a vampire in the house, they handled his presence better than she had expected. Her mother invited Erik to sit down and soon they were all seated in the living room, with Erik and Daisy on the love seat, Alex, Paula, and Irene on the sofa, and Noah in his favorite chair.

"So, daughter, how was your trip?" Noah asked. "Did you fly or drive?"

Daisy slid a glance at Erik. "We flew." In a manner of speaking, she thought, smiling inwardly.

"How'd you get here from the airport?" Alex asked. "I didn't see a rental out front."

"We took a taxi," Daisy said. She didn't like lying to her family, but the truth was out of the question.

"Of course, no need for a car," Noah said, "since you'll be staying here."

"Thanks, Dad, but we're staying at a hotel."

"Now, you know I won't hear of that," Irene said, her hands fluttering. "You can stay in your old room and Erik can...can..."

"Erik can stay in Brandon's room," Noah finished.

"Thanks, Dad, but we've already made reservations."

"Oh, well, if that's what you want," Irene murmured.

Daisy didn't miss the look of relief in her mother's eyes when she realized Erik wouldn't be staying the night.

"Well," Irene said briskly, "where are my manners? Can I get you all anything? I made a devil's food cake this afternoon."

"Sounds good, Mom," Alex said with a wink.

"None for me, thank you," Erik said.

"Me, either," Daisy said. "We ate just before we got here."

"But, Daisy," Irene said, "it's your favorite."

"I know," Daisy said, smiling. "Maybe later."

"I'll have some of that cake," Noah said, "with a little ice cream on the side. And a cup of coffee."

"Let me help you, Mrs. O'Donnell," Paula said. Rising, she followed Irene into the kitchen.

"You seem a little uptight, daughter," Noah remarked after Irene and Paula left the room. "Is anything wrong?"

"Why should anything be wrong?"

"I don't know." He leaned forward in his chair, his eyes narrowed. "You tell me."

"I'm fine, Dad, just a little, ah, jet-lagged."


Daisy looked at Erik for reassurance. Should I just tell them the truth?

It's up to you, love.

"All right, Daisy, spit it out," Alex said. "You're hiding something." He sent a suspicious glance at Erik, and then swore softly. "You didn't. Dammit, you bloodsucker, tell me you didn't!"

Noah looked at Alex, then at Daisy, and then at Erik. "Didn't what?" he asked, and then comprehension dawned in his eyes. "Daisy, no."

She couldn't face the disappointment in her father's eyes, the disgust in Alex's. Sobbing, "I knew this was a bad idea," she fled the house.

When Erik started to follow, Alex stood and blocked his path. "You filthy bloodsucker! How could you?"

"It was her decision."

"I don't believe that for a minute," Alex said, his voice tinged with bitterness.

"Remember Mariah? Well, she had a boyfriend. Damon wasn't very happy about what happened to his lady love. He attacked Daisy. My guess is that you would have been next. Of course, that's neither here nor there. Daisy was dying when I found her. I gave her a choice."

"No." Noah O'Donnell gained his feet and took a menacing step toward Erik. "She would never agree to that."

Erik swore under his breath. Daisy had been right. Coming here had been a bad idea. Judging by the looks on the faces of Daisy's father and brother, things were about to get really ugly really fast. Unable to think of a safe way to defuse the situation, he was about to dissolve into mist when Daisy materialized beside him.

"Erik's telling the truth," she said, taking his hand in hers. "It was my idea."