“Oh!” The woman who honestly didn’t look much over forty scrambled down the stairs. “We’ve heardallabout you.”
“At least someone has,” Lennox said under his breath as he shrugged out of his overcoat.
“Is that you, Len?” Another version of Hudson appeared at the railing. “Did you bring a girl home?”
“No, this is not my person.”
My gaze swung from Lennox to who had to be Finn. “Uncanny. And yet so very different.”
Finn grinned down at me. “Ocean.” He extended the O. Then he threw his head back with a gleeful, booming laugh. “Wild. Hudson is on his way to your place.”
“What?” My heart hammered so loud in my head I couldn’t have heard him right.
“I am the superior triplet. Sure I can’t convince you to give me a chance?” Finn leaned on the railing, his wide shoulders and startlingly muscular arms filling out his wine-colored dress shirt. His face was so very like Hudson, but he had deeper smile lines and a scar on his chin that made a little dip in his beard.
I couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled up. “Sorry. I already tried Lennox.”
Lennox let out a surprised chuckle. “Tough luck, Finn. What the heck happened the last few days? Shouldn’t you have been snowed in like the rest of us?”
“Oh, they were. Absolutely snowed in.” Finn waggled his brows while his laughter boomed out again as he walked back into the living room.
“Finn, if you wake up Cara, you’re dealing with her.”
“Not it,” Finn called out in a stage whisper.
“Don’t mind them, sweetie. Hi.” Their mom was petite and beautiful with kind hazel eyes. “You can call me Diane. Why don’t you come upstairs?”
“Actually, I really need to talk to Hudson. I’d really love to get to know all of you, but I need to make it up to him first. I hope you understand.”
Diane hauled me in for a hug. “I’m so happy you’re here.”
I patted her back, my eyes stinging. “I thought you’d hate me.”
She eased me aside. “Not at all. Hudson was so upset. He just needed thinking time. All the MacGregor men are stubborn.”
“I heard that,” Lennox said tiredly as he walked up the steps.
“Well, you are.”
“Just like you, Ma.” Finn called from the upper floor.
“He might be right, but my gosh, you are so beautiful.”
I lowered my head as my cheeks heated. “Thanks.”
“Go on, be safe out there. The snow is starting to pile up again. The weatherman said it shouldn’t be more than an inch or two.”
“Much better than the almost six feet we already got this week.”
“That’s right.” She grabbed my arm before I got to the doorknob. Then she pulled me in for another hug. “Thank you for rescuing my son.”
I hugged her back this time. “Pretty sure he saved me, Mrs.—um, Diane.”
Diane let me go, then she wiped her eyes. “Okay, go, go. Drive safe!”
“Thank you.” I rushed back down the steps and carefully inched down the driveway to my SUV.
Hudson was probably at the cabin already.