Page 93 of Cabin Fever Baby

It was…minty.

And he didn’t have a beard.

I scrambled back. “Oh my God.” I slipped on some ice on the porch, and he grabbed for me. Righting me just before I landed on my ass.

“While I do appreciate an armful of a stunning woman, I think you have the wrong man.”

“Shit. Oh my God.” I maneuvered him under the porch light and got the full effect. “That is uncanny.”

He grinned. His dark eyes were tired but amused. “We get that a lot. Well, less these days since we live in different cities. I’m Lennox.”

“The lawyer.”

“Distilled down to a singular fact, yes. I’m assuming you’re looking for one of my brothers. Let me guess, it’s Finn.”

I frowned. “No. Hudson.”

His eyebrows shot up. “Wow. The impulsive types aren’t usually Hud’s style.”

“I’m not impulsive.” Well, I did sort of look like I was at that moment. And I did, in fact, sleep with a near stranger.

Okay, so impulsive was definitely now in my resume.

But only for one man.

“I’m very sorry for...” I trailed off.

“Accosting me in a very fresh lemony scent with…beachy notes.” His voice was clipped and cool, unlike Hudson’s warm rumble.

I laughed. “That’s me. I’m Ocean.”

“Yes, ocean scent. Wait, that’s your name?”

I nodded. “I have a sister named River.”

“Do you have a brother, Stream?”

I laughed. “No. Only us girls got the odd names. Do you think I could go inside and see him?”

“I don’t know who you are, but I’ve just arrived. I feel that I’m missing quite a bit of the story.”

“It’s been kind of a wild few days.”

“It seems so.” He stepped forward and opened the door, letting me inside.

“Hudson, is that you?” A woman’s voice floated down to the entryway.

“No, it’s me, Ma.”

“Lennox?” A woman with a silver-threaded braid appeared at the railing above. It was a split ranch-style home. One set of stairs led up to the main house and the other went down to a lower level.

“I made it.”

A wide smile spread across her pretty face. “You brought a woman home?”

“Guess you don’t know her, either. What the hell have I missed?”

“Hi, Mrs. MacGregor. I’m Ocean Hawkins. Is Hudson home?”