Page 40 of Buried Secret 295

I fly backward, falling to the ground. He throws his head back and laughs before winking at me as he loops his arm around Salem’s, ushering her into the cafeteria. Constantine’s radar is one that I don’t want to be on. As I push myself upwards, my eye catches on one of the colorful posters. My head tilts as I realize the words have changed from the ones that have yet to leave the walls. I pluck it into the veil, wanting to read and touch the words. As they absorb, the world becomes heavy. He is her fucking father!

I’ve heard rumors about her being a Blackthorne bastard. That causes some things to click into place with that nugget of information. I don’t want to be this close to one of the Seven Deadly Sins, so I fly off and find Knox. As I think about him, I am pulled to where he is. There are some people you are so in tune with that you don’t have to try hard to find them. Knox is one of these people.

Knox sits at one of the cement picnic tables. When I reach him, I sit beside him before I pull myself out of the veil. Knox jumpsslightly at my sudden presence. “You know I hate it when you do that shit!”

I hold my hands up in surrender. “Had to make a quick getaway because I think I just got put on Constantine Blackthorne’s shit list. I about shit a puppy, man.”

He raises a dark eyebrow at me like I am full of shit. “How the hell did you get on his shitlist? Or better yet, even on his radar?” He shakes his head like it isn’t in the realm of possibilities.

“Because some major developments were just happening in the hub right now. His arm looped around Salem. His eyes locked on me in the veil as soon as I thought about his name. He sent a shadow in to tell me to watch myself.”

Knox growls. “What the fuck does he want with Salem?”

I hand him the paper I grabbed off the floor. His eyes widen slightly when he reads the words, yet I want to add what I learned. “Salem is his daughter. People said she was a Blackthorne bastard, but Constantine didn’t appear to want her to be a bastard. Salem Blackthorne. The man wouldn’t have shown up if she wasn’t something important to him.” I shake my head.

“Well, I didn’t see that coming. That complicates things a bit for me...” He huffs out, then shrugs. “…yet, it will change nothing.”

“You lost me.” Why does she matter to Knox? He has seemed odd ever since he got to campus. I wrote it off as not wanting to be here—that he just wanted to be back at Hell’s Gate or, better yet, the Underworld. I don’t push him because he always tells me things when he is ready. Either that or it works itself out.

Knox glared at me and looked around us to ensure nobody was nearby. “Swear to me you won’t say a word. This has to remain quiet.”

My brows furrow as I question what he is about to tell me. Knox is my brother, maybe not by blood, but he is my family. “I will never say a word.”

“She is my mate.” Ouch, that stings, and I have to fight to keep my face neutral. The weight of the words has me looking down at my hands before I look back at him. How can my obsession be my best friend’s mate? It didn’t seem fair. The universe seemed like it was pulling me towards her.

“Why haven’t you claimed her by now? What the hell are you waiting for? Isn’t it killing you?” I don’t think I am playing this cool, but my anxiety is high. My shell around my emotions hadn’t let it out, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t help because it was leaking from my mouth.Keep it cool.

“Of course, it’s killing me. She might not feel it in human form. I don’t know what she is. So, I need this to happen naturally. I wouldn’t know her name if it weren’t for Gage. It’s destiny; if you try to force it, it usually blows up in your face.”

“So, only you and I know?” It feels like my throat is constricting on itself. I feel like the world’s shittiest friend since I lust after her. Watching her calms me in a way I didn’t know I needed. Knox is more important to me, but that didn’t mean I could shut off what I had been feeling. She doesn’t even know my name, at least. This is going to be awkward.

“Yes, and it stays that way.” He doesn’t say it is threatening, but that’s what it is: a threat. I don’t even hear Gage approaching.

“What’s staying that way?” He questions, sweaty from class. A towel is around his neck to help his sweating.

“Your ass-kicker. Daddy is terrifying. Pretty sure I am staying out of the veil for a while.” I said with a shiver, and I mean that. Damn, I didn’t need him coming for me in my dreams.

“Salem? She is back?” He looks around like she is going to pop out any second.

“Yep, it’s Salem Blackthorne. Constantine Blackthorne’s daughter.” Gage’s eyes go wide. He is fun to fuck with, but the shock factor is the best. At least it distracts me from this feeling sinking inside me.

Chapter thirty

Constantine and I areriding high on the shock factor, along with the high of slightly terrifying people. Our plan worked perfectly. Part of me still feels in shock about something going how I wanted it to for the first time. Constantine teleports us to the top of the building where my last class is. We both sit on the top and dangle our legs over the edge. His finger boops on my nose, and my face cracks into a smile. “Even you are getting a head rush on all the fear. Are you okay here for the rest of the day? I got to head to Hell for a bit.” He looks around at the roof of the building, looking uncomfortable for a second. Then, he clears his throat and looks at me. “If you need me, your shadows can always find me.”

I hug him, surprising us both. He is super ridged, and I pull back, “Sorry. I was trying something new. It made it weird.” Myhands are up by my chest, palms out, with a cringe on my face. That felt weird.

He laughs, brightening the orangish-red in his eyes. “I also made it weird. Maybe we can try that again sometime soon. I think it’s been a while for both of us.” He gives my palm, which is still up, a small high-five before disappearing.

I sit here for another few minutes, pondering my life now. I am looking over the campus from the high point, and I know I never would have found it if it wasn’t for Constantine. Everything seems smaller as I look over the people walking on the sidewalks. As I look down on them from above, the distance from them makes them and my other problems seem small. This has now become one of my favorite spots. The height and view are things I will never forget today, and they are a happy memory for me. With one last look, I hug my knees to my chest and teleport myself down to the ground—time to head to class.

Professor Quinn’s Creatures of the World class is going as well as possible, even though my eyes keep sneaking up to the clock on the wall, waiting for it to end. She has kind eyes and has been encouraging. “Can anyone tell me what Golden Goliath’s weak points are?” Her violet eyes scan the room, and few pay attention to the lesson. It’s almost 5:00 on a Friday, and everyone in the room seems ready for the weekend. Her eyes meet mine. “Salem, any thoughts?”

My mind flashes back to the fights we used to have. I have fought two of them in my time. The first time, I didn’t know what to make of the creature. It had the body of a bull, with its head almost bear-like, complete with its sharp claws. It was the creature that mangled my shoulder, which is why I got to fight with a different one. “Throat and soft underbelly. It also can’t turn its head well. So if you get behind it or on its back, it’s blind.”

Her body jerks back as if surprised, and she nods. “Um, yes. That’s correct.” She looks at the clock and frowns before looking back at the class. “This hour always flies by.” Students gather up their books, wanting to get the weekend started. She talks louder, getting everyone to focus on her for another second. “Read chapter 5. We will have a quiz on Monday!”

I am gathering up my stuff when she stops me. “Salem, a word?” My heart slightly sinks as I think about what I could have done wrong. It’s a habit, but I feel sad because I thought we would have a good relationship. This is what I get for actually liking her. Maybe the rumor mill has ruined it for me. I cringe when I walk up towards her as the rest of the class leaves. She motions me to her office at the back of the classroom. Professor Quinn closes the door yet still speaks quietly. “Some of that isn’t in the readings. Where have you been getting your information? I am working on a book about them since little is known about them.”