“It’s fine. It was only supposed to be temporary. Natalie already knows what she wants to do. She wants to sing and write songs. Me? I have no clue, but now? I guess I have plenty of time to figure it out. My manager didn’t think having a fiancé attack a customer was good for business, so I’m out.”
“I’m sorry, Gemma. I should have kept my cool, but I just lost it.”
She rubs my shoulder before lacing her fingers between mine. “This isn’t your fault. This is stupid Frankie’s fault and stupid Verducci for sending that asshole with the scar to scare me; us.”
All of this to make sure no one else loses their life is what pushes me to keep going. Soldiers or not, anyone in or working for the Marzano family shouldn’t have to risk their lives because Frankie decided to put his hands on Gemma. We have to put an end to this shit one way or another.
I glance around us and decide it’s better to leave the area than hang around to see if the asshole shows his face again. Next time we’re face-to-face, I have to make sure he doesn’t get away. For now, he can try to intimidate Gemma, but I’m certain he knows that showing his face around me isn’t going to end well.
“Did the police say anything?” she asks.
“I told them I was a doctor, and they let me go, mainly because the asshole left before giving his information. I should have broken his jaw.”
“Easy, Antonio,” she says with a sheepish grin. “We don’t need Verducci thinking we hurt two of his people.”
“I can’t say that this guy is one of Verducci’s people. There’s something different about him. Why don’t we head to the mechanic to check on your car? We need to get our minds off this.”
We head to the body shop with the hairs on the back of my neck standing on edge. I can’t shake the feeling someone is following us, and I hate that I can’t do anything about it until it’s too late. Thankfully the windshield is already replaced and new tires will be on soon.
“These guys work fast,” Gemma murmurs to me.
“They work fast when they’re paid extra,” I tell her with a wink. When they pull the car around with a fresh windshield, I can feel the relief beaming from Gemma.
“I’m going to check on Natalie and let her know our car’s okay.”
“I’ll need a copy of the registration and plates for my building’s security. You can park in my space and I’ll rent a new one.”
Gemma turns to me with dismay in her eyes. “I know money is not the biggest concern to you, but paying for parking where you live is horrifying. It’s bad enough that me and Natalie pay for parking in that garage every month. Why don’t we leave my car there and I’ll stick with you or public transit? It doesn’t make sense to waste money.”
“I want to be able to see your car, Gem. At least if it’s parked in my building, no one can mess with it. Is there an attendant at the garage near your place?”
She pouts and shakes her head. “There are security cameras, but the management office is somewhere Downtown.”
The sound of my phone ringing steals my attention. “Yeah?”
“Antonio, it’s Camilla. I need you at the clinic. I can’t get a hold of Ronan, and I think some of his friends are here.” She ends the call before I can get more information.
I turn to Gemma, telling her, “We need to go to the clinic. It sounds like there’s trouble and Ronan’s sister can’t get hold of him. I don’t want you in the middle of whatever’s waiting for me there.”
Gemma speaks softly. “My car will be ready in what? An hour? Go ahead. I’ll head straight back to your place, and text you as soon as I get there.”
I relent and text the security guard at the desk in the lobby, send him the information for Gemma’s car, and hope there aren’t any issues with her for the rest of the day. Although, given the way this day has started, I won’t hold my breath.
Chapter 17: Gemma
The worry in Antonio’s eyes is palpable as he reluctantly leaves me at the auto body shop. I have no idea what’s waiting for him at the clinic, but a part of me feels like I should at least tell Bash. I call him first.
“Are you okay, Gemma?” Bash asks.
“I’m fine. I’m picking up my car from the body shop.”
“Where’s Antonio?”
“That’s why I’m calling. He just got a call from the clinic. I think his friend, Ronan, or his sister, needs help or something. We saw the scarred guy—”
Bash cuts me off. “This is the guy who was staring in your bedroom, or the guy from the parking garage?”
“I don’t know for sure if it’s him, but it feels like it’s him. I know he was definitely sitting at the bar Saturday night and said that shit about Verducci. Anyway, he was waiting outside of Booked this morning. Antonio just let loose on him.”