“Well, that’s to be expected. He’s never going to let anyone hurt you if he can prevent it. He’s always been super protective of us.” Bash sighs.
He groans. “You only say my whole name when you’re about to ask me about something I don’t like talking about.”
“If I wanted to help Antonio find his mom, is there some way you can help me with that?” I ask him.
“Gemma, don’t. That’s not your place and it’s not going to end well,” he warns. “How about we focus on the problems at hand and then we can sort through the personal tragedies of your husband-to-be?”
“How would you feel if Antonio and I ended up together?” I ask him, half-jokingly but also with curiosity.
“If you’re happy and safe, I’m okay with whoever you choose, Gemma. I just don’t want to have to kill anybody if they hurt you.”
“Too late,” I scoff, which gets a laugh out of him.
“Gem, that’s fucked up. You shouldn’t have dealt with that on your own.”
I close my eyes trying to put the nightmares out of my mind. “I shouldn’t have, and I didn’t. I had Natalie with me.”
“You know what I mean. What’s the point in having me as a brother if you never use my power to your advantage? I’m here to protect you, especially with Ma and Pop out of the country.”
I sigh. “I know, and I’m sorry this is all, um, rising to the surface?”
“I have to laugh to not cry about all of this. My life is being turned upside down because my schoolgirl crush came to my rescue and hurt someone who happens to be important to one of your,” I pause, making sure to choose my words wisely, “one of your business rivals. I need you to make sure he’s not walking into something crazy at the clinic.”
“Fuck, okay. I’ll send Casper and another Marzanoemployeeto make sure Antonio’s not alone.”
“Wait, why aren’t you going?” I ask him. “He’s your best friend, Bash. If it were Natalie—”
He cuts me off. “I’m on a plane heading back to New York, Gemma. Don’t flip out. I just have to check on all that stuff we spoke about, and that’s better done in person, you know?”
“Don’t sulk,” he says. “Casper is just as good as me at handling situations.”
I have to stop my eyes from watering with worry. “I know, but Damian’s with Natalie, halfway to Vegas by now, and you’re heading across the country while someone’s stalking me and trying to intimidate Antonio.”
“Gemma, I swear to you that Antonio can handle himself. I wouldn’t trust your life to anyone else outside of our family. He’s capable.”
If Antonio is anything, he is certainly capable ... capable of mind-blowing orgasms and fighting to protect me. It makes me smile. “He’s very good with his hands, but Bash, Antonio’s friend Ronan is in the wind. Casper is great. He’s one of the best lawyers our family has, but Antonio needs muscle.”
“Gemma, calm down. Take your car to Antonio’s place and stay there. I’ll get a hold of Casper to have him meet Antonio at the clinic. If you get any calls about the rosary, let me know. I mean it, Gem. No more handling shit on your own.Capiche?”
“Capiche.” I sigh and end the call.
My next call goes to Natalie who answers on the first ring with panic in her voice. “What’s wrong? What happened? We’ll turn back right now.”
“No, we won’t,” Damian says.
“You’re on speaker, Gem,” Natalie warns me.
“I was just calling to let you know I’m picking up the car. Antonio made sure everything was fixed and we didn’t have to go through our insurance.”
“That’s awfully nice of him,” Natalie practically sings. “You are certainly a persuasive fiancé. How much persuading did you have to do?”
Damian cuts her off. “I will hang up this phone right now. Whatelseis happening, Gemma?”