Page 19 of Save Me

Chapter 9

“You want me to do what?”

The hard-faced detective named Carter leaned forward. “We want you to wear a wire.”

Andie had been at the police station for hours. At first, she had been terrified she was under arrest. The uniformed cops at her door had certainly made it seem that way—until Eric had very loudly assured he was going to call Calen McLachlan to get her an attorney ASAP. Then they admitted they just wanted to talk to her.

More like bully me…

Eric insisted on coming with her to the police station. However, they kept them both waiting so long he had to leave. Lynx’s manager called to tell him there had been an accident at the club. A girl needed stitches. But Eric stayed until Calen McLachlan himself assured him one his attorneys was en route.

That had been at least two hours ago. The moment Eric left, Andie had been swept into an interrogation room. Two plainclothes detectives came in. They gave the impression of appearing bored, like they had all the time in the world. But the shorter Hispanic one kept checking his watch.

They were obviously trying to scare her into action before Mr. McLachlan’s attorney arrived. She had no idea when that would be, but her request to wait for her lawyer was ignored. Meanwhile she said as little as possible. After, they left her alone again, presumably to let her sweat it out. Now they were back, grilling her all over again and the lawyer was still nowhere in sight.

“I don’t even know if Todd is the source of those drugs,” she repeated for the third time. “My friend Juliet reminded me that he knew my locker combination, but so could a lot of other people. I’ve worked at Lynx since it opened and I never changed it. It isn’t exactly Fort Knox. I’m sure Mike, the head of security, will confirm that.”

They didn’t like her answer. Carter gave her a steely-eyed glare. “We can charge you right now for possession. We have more than enough evidence to put you away for a very long time. And even if Calen McLachlan’s fancy lawyers manage to keep you out of jail, there’s still a drug charge on your record. What hospital will hire you after that?”

Andie did her best to remain impassive, but the shock of the threat hit her like a physical blow. They had been looking into her since she made her statement, obviously searching for some sort of weakness to twist to their advantage.

Juliet was right. Going to the cops had been a bad idea.

“I haven’t done anything wrong,” she said hoarsely. “And I’m not going to let you push me into a dangerous situation. I may have nothing, but I’m not some nobody you can use however you want. I have never witnessed Todd using or selling drugs.”

“Then why did you give us his name in your statement?”

“To prove someone other than me knows my combination, and he’s probably one of many. Now I’d like to leave unless I’m under arrest. Am I under arrest?”

Carter and the chubby Hispanic man exchanged a glance. She held her breath, waiting for the bomb to drop, but at that moment an attractive ice-blonde walked into the room.

The stranger was wearing a skirt suit so sharp it could cut her, but it was the briefcase and assorted accessories that identified her as a lawyer—a very successful one.

“My client is done speaking with you,” the woman said before smiling brightly at Andie. “I’m Delaney. I was sent by my employer Mr. McLachlan. Carter, Hernandez,” she said, acknowledging each with a brief nod.

“We’re still deciding if we’re going to charge her or not, Mizz Delaney,” the male detective said.

The Mizz was drawn out with irritating emphasis. Clearly, all these people knew each other.

“And?” The lawyer drawled in the same tone.

Carter stared at Andie, making her dig her nails into her own thigh under the table. She would not squirm in front of this woman.

“She can go,” Carter said eventually. “But don’t leave town.”

Andie bit her tongue as the lawyer waved her to the door. She wanted to swear a blue streak and tell the bastards off, but she didn’t. There might not be an expensive lawyer to hide behind the next time she saw the detectives.

God, please don’t let there be a next time.

“Delaney,” the female detective said, acknowledging the lawyer as they headed for the door.

“A pleasure, as always, Carter,” Delaney said before stepping out and closing the door behind her.

“Thank you,” Andie said, following the lawyer out to the parking lot. The sun beat down on her skin like a laser, but it was a welcome change. With luck, it would melt the block of ice that had grown in her stomach during her interrogation. “Thank God you finally got here. It was freaking scary in there.”

“It was meant to be,” Delaney said with a laugh. “And I apologize for the delay. I was in San Francisco when I got the call. I was on the next flight.”

The woman had been in another state? Damn. “Thank you for coming all this way,” Andie said weakly.