Page 20 of Save Me

Delaney smiled her toothpaste commercial smile. “Not a problem. It’s a trip I make frequently for Mr. McLachlan. And I agree those particular detectives can be pretty intimidating, but they’re not bad compared to some others in that building. Carter’s a ball-buster, but she’s basically honest and does her job well. Hernandez would get nowhere without her.”

Andie tightened her grip on her purse. “Was she being honest about having enough evidence to charge me with possession?”

“Technically, yes,” Delaney acknowledged with a small inclination of her head. “But it wouldn’t stick if Mr. McLachlan backs you, and Mike Ward testifies others had access to your locker. That combined with your clean record and the fact you graduated at the top of your physician’s assistant program speaks to your character. I could have gotten the charges thrown out like that,” she said with a snap.

“You must be good,” Andie murmured, unnerved to find a stranger knew so much about her again.

Delaney reached a shiny black car, a Lexus of some type, and paused. She peeked at her sideways from under thick blonde lashes. “I’m one of many excellent lawyers Mr. McLachlan employs, but when it comes to this kind of thing I am the best. Which is why Eric Tam practically prostrated himself to make sure I would get to you as soon as I could instead of the lawyer on call. Now that I’ve seen you I know why.”

Andie stared at her. “Err, why?”

Delaney gave her a knowing smile. “I recognize you. I’ve worked with Eric a few times as part of my job. He keeps a picture of you in his medical bag. Has it with him at all times. I asked him about it once. He clammed up and refused to talk about it. But his reaction told me plenty—enough to stop angling for a date with the man.”

Holy crap!Eric turned down a date with this perfectly-coiffed Nordic goddess? Was it really because of her? Had he been pining for her the whole time they were apart?

“I need to sit down,” Andie said, leaning on the car for support.

Delaney laughed and pushed a button on her keychain, opening the doors to the car remotely. “Get in. I’ll drop you off at your place.”

Andie climbed into the car, still feeling a little shell-shocked. “I’m staying with a friend,” she mumbled, giving her the address.

She sat quietly digesting what Delaney had told her. Eric kept a picture of her with him…but he’d dropped out of her life with barely a murmur.

Her lips compressed. How dare he show up back in her life after all this time! If he had really been missing her, the ass could have called her sometime in the last two years. True, she hadn’t made it easy for him by ignoring his messages in the beginning, but if he’d explained why he had to leave in the first place, she wouldn’t have been so hard on him. He could have tried a little harder.

His text could have explained about the rehab.Blinking she glanced up to find they were near the hotel Eric mentioned at the police station.

She twisted in the passenger seat. “I’ve changed my mind. Can you drop me off at the Caislean 21?”

The blonde lawyer smirked. “Isn’t that where the good doctor always stays?”


“Going to run into his arms and ride off into the sunset?” Delaney’s smile was cynically amused.

Andie sat up straighter in the passenger seat, her hands fisting. “Actually, I’m going to kick him in the nut sack.”