Page 33 of Before We Say I Do

Rotating, Mr. Jones’s eyes widened, then normalized.


Kyle perused Mr. Jones. He did appear to be aging a bit faster than Kyle was used to. Bags took up residence below his eyes, more gray hair had populated across his head, but Kyle was thankful he wasn’t losing weight.

“I’ve acquired a total of twelve since the last time we spoke.”

Kyle’s brows arched in surprise, then he frowned.


Mr. Jones cleared his throat. “I’ve got to make sure I can protect this house.” His voice lowered along with his head. “My family.” Lifting his eyes back to Kyle, shoulders back, he added, “You know what I mean.”

It was a statement rather than a question.

“I do. But, I don’t think twelve guns is the answer unless you’re planning to go to war with someone.”

“You never know.” Mr. Jones took his eyes around the library. “Anything’s possible. People are not who they seem sometimes.” His words turned into a mumble, “Even folks you’ve known your entire life can be snakes. And you’ve got to cut off the heads of snakes.”

“This is about Dexter,” Kyle stated as a fact. He witnessed Mr. Jones tense, his shoulders, body, his jaw. “Have you talked to him?”

“And say what? I’d be likely to choke him to death if I did.”

“Dexter was a friend who—”

“He was never a friend!”

Mr. Jones’s chest rose and fell, incensed, enraged.

“Friends don’t kidnap your daughter! Friends don’t hold her hostage! Friends don’t have some ungodly fantasies about your child!” His lip trembled, and he turned his back.

“You should tell him that. He needs to know how he’s affected you, and you deserve answers.”

Mr. Jones shook his head. “I’m never talking to that son-of-a-bitch again in my life. I love my child too much to give him the time of day.”

“Here’s the thing, Mr. Jones. Your anger and frustration at Dexter have spilled over into your life. Look around. Your daughter is affected by your rage. Your wife is affected. They both don’t recognize the man they once did. The one who laughed often, the one who flirted with his spouse, the one who would light up a room when he entered. And you know why?”

Mr. Jones slowly turned back to face Kyle, worry now lacing his face.

“Because you’re consumed with thoughts of him. Your mind lingers on how to make sure it doesn’t happen again. But in your quest to make sure you’re protecting your family, you’re pushing them away.”

“No.” Mr. Jones wouldn’t believe it.

“London has been visiting Dexter at the corrections center.”

Mr. Jones’s eyes lurched. “Why would she do such a thing!?”

“Because she’s trying to get answers for you. She wants you to know you’re not responsible for what Dexter did, and the only way she thinks she can get through to you is if you hear it from him. But,” Kyle locked his jaw, then let go of a breath, “Dexter’s been manipulating her, making her come for weekly visits to get the answers she seeks.”

Anger filled Mr. Jones’s eyes, and that was all Kyle needed to see to know he would accompany him at the jail.

“I’m going to kill him.”

Kyle wanted to say, “Me too,” but he left that tidbit out. It took all of ten minutes to get to the county facility after leaving Mrs. Jones looking after them.

Now,as Kyle stood next to Mr. Jones, he felt him brooding and knew he would need to be quick, in case that Mr. Jones went for Dexter’s neck.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?”