Page 12 of Before We Say I Do

"Happily. With the promise to give up this information, of course."

They groaned.

"What is with women like that?" Xavier asked.

Hunter sighed. "I used to think it was for monetary reasons or to boast about being with one of us."

"Because some women are like that," Lance added.

"Yeah, but…" Hunter thought for a minute. "Sometimes it's an unhealthy attachment. Because we're in the public eye, some can easily begin to have fantasies that they want to carry out."

"I have the feeling you're speaking from experience," Kyle added.

"I've been flat-out told as much. You know I don't make shit up."

They exhaled, and Raphael dropped his arms, sliding his hands into his pockets. "Do you think this thing has any merit?"

"Not at all."

"Then it's settled. Ignore her."

"I plan to."

They nodded and went back to their mirror images.

"Damn, gentlemen, we do clean up well."

They nodded.

"I can stand here and look at us all day, but I must get going," DeAndre said.

"How's Avery?" Kyle asked.

Avery Michelle was DeAndre's wife, who was currently being treated for lupus.

"She's okay. Some days are better than others, but we're getting through it."

"Let us know if there's anything we can do."

"I will. Thank you."

"I guess now is as good a time as any."

Everyone turned to Raphael. "Bri's pregnant. Three months."


They approached their brother, pulling him in for hugs, holding him tight before five hands smacked him on the back.

"Were you going to keep it to yourself?" Lance questioned.

"No. We wanted to wait until she was in her second trimester before we announced it."

"I know this is personal, but have you guys had trouble conceiving?"

With a hand, Raphael rubbed his chin. "I wouldn't say trouble. Maybe a little. It was never something diagnosed, I mean. But we have been trying with no luck until now." His smile spread across his face, highlighting the blue hue in his dark eyes.

"We are happy for you. Can't wait to find out what you're having so my wife can shop till she drops getting our nephew or niece everything they need," Lance added.