Chapter One

She laughed with a toss of her wavy shoulder-length hair, and across the room, Jeremiah wondered what it would feel like to slip his fingers into her scalp and pull her mane while she cried out in pleasure.

He was moving suddenly…steady, confident, one hand in his pocket as he nodded to passersby while training his gaze on her curvaceous body.

His pulse raced as he neared, and when he became close enough to smell the floral, fruity fragrance topped with a woody scent floating mid-air, his libido ignited in balmy fervor.

“J’adore…” he whispered, his baritone shifting her focus as one eye was led over her shoulder.

“Excuse me?” she asked.

“The perfume you’re wearing, is it J’adore?”

Her body followed in a complete twist as his gaze detained her in his honey topaz stare.

“It is.”

A grin slipped up his mouth.

“I’m Jeremiah Davenport, and you are?”


“Does Vanessa have a last name?”

Her smile slanted her eyes.


Jeremiah followed her frame from head to toe, his dark intentions unmistakable in the stroking assessment that caressed her.

“Come home with me, Vanessa Monroe.”

Somehow, his saying her full name made a charge of energy crackle down her spine. Still, she folded her arms and stepped into a lean, eyes squinting.

“What makes you think I’d just go home with you? I don’t even know you. Who do you take me for?”

His charming yet mischievous smile was exercised by his succulent mouth.

“I’ve been searching for the one I would call my wife a long time now, Vanessa Monroe, and I think I’ve just found her…”

* * *

Vanessa was snappedout of her reverie when the bathroom stall opened. Standing in front of the sink, she added soap to her hands, rubbed them together, then activated the automatic faucet, holding her palms under the nozzle.

“So, what was that all about?” Drea, Vanessa’s colleague, asked.

“All of what?”

Drea activated the sink next to Vanessa while taking a curious eye over her.

“Mr. Davenport rarely speaks at these engagements. Everyone—and I mean everyone—was staring at you two.” Drea dried her hands, as did Vanessa. “What did he say, if you don’t mind me asking.”

Vanessa took her fingers through her hair, making her mane bounce as she fixed herself up.

“Apparently, he wants me to be his wife.”

Drea gawked and laughed, planting a hand on her hip.