“Girl, you don’t have to be that drastic. If you don’t want to share, just say that.”

Vanessa glanced at Drea, then back to her image in the mirror.

“You’re right. I probably shouldn’t say until he makes the announcement.”

Drea shook her head. “You’re a mess, but okay. When you’re ready to confide in me, I’ll be around.”

Drea dumped her paper towel, then left the restroom, leaving Vanessa looking after her.

As the branch owner at one of the most prominent financial institutions in Atlanta, Vanessa didn’t have coworkers to confide in when her personal life was stressing her out. But having Drea Carmichael as her second-in-command, whenever frustration took over, Drea would often come to her rescue and take on all her duties, giving Vanessa time to relax and pull herself together.

She appreciated the woman for sure, and though her response sounded ridiculous, it was the truth.

Regardless of that fact, Vanessa wondered what was up with Mr. Davenport. It was her first time meeting him face-to-face. Most of their correspondence had been through email. When she’d said, I don’t even know you, she meant it.

And as a sponsor of the branch, it was every quarter when Vanessa would send updates about how his sponsorship was appreciated with added notes about the growing economic condition of the institution.

It had been twelve months since their business relationship had grown, but Vanessa knew it would be a matter of time when they met in person.

So, when he’d proposed she attend a benefit that would give back, not only to the local community but to the banks in her district, Vanessa didn’t bat an eye to attend.

She didn’t have a date, nor did she want one after her last relationship. But she’d be remiss to say his proposal didn’t intrigue her. Being distracted by Drea haphazardly bumping into her reminded Vanessa that she’d been holding a full bladder. It was right on time.

Staring into Jeremiah Davenport’s gaze was like falling into a trance. And the buzzed that encompassed her body struck her like a sting of warmth she’d never felt before.

If Vanessa didn’t know any better, she would’ve sworn their meeting was kismet. But she didn’t believe in that sort of thing.

Did she?

Blowing out a breath, Vanessa smirked at her mocha image and batted her long lashes. Seconds passed when she rubbed her lips together, then pulled the red lipstick from her clutch to reapply.

Satisfied with her touch-ups, she removed the personal bottle of J’adore and added a spray to her wrists before rubbing them together.

“That should do it. Now let’s finish off this night and head home for a glass of wine, because baby, you’re gonna need it,” she said to herself.

Dropping her spray in her clutch, Vanessa tucked her bag underneath her arm, then strolled to the door and pushed through it only to run right into the solid frame of a man’s torso.


Spice and sandalwood filled her nostrils as she yelped, running her eyes up a gorgeous mouth into desirable eyes. Vanessa’s heart thumped.

“I apologize,” he said, holding on to her firmly, so she didn’t stumble to the floor. “I didn’t mean to startle you. I…was headed to the men’s room.”

Taking a small step back, Vanessa covered her heart and smirked.

“You sure you’re not following me?”

The thunder that cajoled from his laughter made her heart skip a beat, and heat flooded her panties.

“Not this time,” he promised, his gaze a dark twinkle of excitement.

“Hmmm, I guess you’re excused then.”

“Thank you, but since I have you here, I must ask if you’ve thought about my offer.”

Vanessa laughed heartily, and the enjoyment she released was felt in the nether-parts of him.

“Again, I don’t know you.”