Jordan paused for a long moment. “I hate talking in circles, Chief. So, I hope you’re hearing me good. I WILL sue this entire department from the head down to the little guy sitting at the security booth for disrespecting my family. YOU will never see another term again if this doesn’t get resolved. And before you talk about threats, I’ll be clear to let you know, THIS is one.”

Chief Fletcher had gone quiet, and Jordan let him mull it over without saying another word. Jordan was certain the chief heard him. Everyone in the room had, including Quentin and Derek, who stood brooding like bulls right beside Jordan.

“I’ll take care of it, son,” Chief Fletcher assured.

Jordan disconnected the line and glanced back down at Selena. He cupped the oval curvature of her chin, letting his gaze roam over her brown skin with a searing intensity.

“Are you sure you’re all right?”

Selena licked her lips. “Yes,” she said.

“You would tell me if they hurt you, wouldn’t you?”

“Um,” Selena stammered. She wasn’t used to being looked after by anyone other than her parents. Her pause made Jordan’s jaw lock, and he cut his eyes at the officers. “Yes,” she finally said. “I wouldn’t take shit from anyone, police officers included.”

Jordan knew Selena wasn’t one to hold her tongue, but her hesitance made him wonder if she was telling him the truth. Jordan would find out soon enough.

“How’s Samiyah?” Selena asked.

Jordan released the glare he held on the officers and looked down into the crescent of her sultry eyes. “Still in labor.” He glanced back at them with an expression that made Selena think he would rip their heads off one by one.

She slipped her hand up his chest, bringing his attention back down to her. His gaze warmed as it settled on her face again.

“Let’s go to the hospital. That’s where we should be.”

Jordan nodded, and they all turned to leave the premises. Outside, the windchill was unforgiving as it lashed against their faces and tornadoed around them. When Selena, Phoebe, and Eden glanced around and spotted a guy standing off to the side in a yellow raincoat, they all balked.

“No way…” Phoebe said.

This made Selena laugh. The men turned to the women with questionable stares.

“Hold on for a second,” Selena said to Jordan. She tried to walk off, but his grip tightened. She looked back at him and stroked his arm. “Just a quick second.” He eventually released her, and she quickly walked up to the man.

“Excuse me.”

The man glanced at her with a thin toothy grin.

“Blaire told me to tell you to tell Marlon to hurry up. It’s getting cold in there.”

The man’s smile faltered, and he shook his head.

“Thank you,” the man said.

“No problem.” Selena chuckled then turned to walk off.

“Miss,” the man yelled after her.

Selena peered back over her shoulder.

“You wouldn’t happen to have a lighter, would ya?”