Aghast, Eden turned back. “You’ve got to be kidding me!”

The officer cajoled. “I’m just yanking ya chain. All three of you are free to go.”

The ladies all sighed collectively, and the officer laughed. They all cut their eyes at him and left the cell so fast you’d think a murderer was after them.

“You bitches are sooo lucky!” Blaire yelled from inside the cell. Blaire walked to the bars and shouted through them. “If you see a guy outside in a yellow raincoat, tell him to tell Marlon to hurry up, it’s getting cold in here!”

“A yellow raincoat?” Phoebe said, speaking to Selena.

“Don’t even try and figure it out,” Selena said.

As soon as the women were up front, they were greeted individually. Phoebe took off as soon as she spotted Quentin, and he was right there to scoop her up. At his side was Derek James Clark, their fraternity brother, best friend, and Eden’s crush. Eden blushed but didn’t run up to him like she wanted to. Their relationship was still developing on the down-low.

When Selena locked eyes with Jordan, a thrill of unexpected pleasure roamed down her spine. His sharp gaze and masculine features sat strong as he accelerated his walk to get to her. When they met, Jordan’s thick arms encircled her petite frame, and with a brushing caress, he palmed her back, pressing Selena closer into him. Selena shuddered from the possessive grip of his claim, and her hefty bosom settled comfortably in the strength of his heavy embrace as his brown eyes bore into her.

“Are you all right?” his deep voice thundered.

Selena pressed her plump lips together and swallowed the lump in her throat. “I’m fine,” she said. “Thank you for getting me out. I expected my father to post bail while chastising me at the same time.” Selena chuckled.

Jordan tilted his head. “No offense to your father, but he’s not quick enough.”

Selena blushed. “How much was it? I can pay you back when I get paid on Friday.”

Jordan didn’t respond immediately then he smirked. “I don’t think I broke the bank, baby girl.” When Selena went to protest, Jordan hushed her with a breathtaking kiss to her lips.

Swept away, Selena’s eyes faltered as Jordan’s manly lips sank deeper against her mouth, his probing tongue invading her cove, snatching the air between her lungs only to give it back in a rushing breath. Selena shuddered again as a raging warmth cascaded over her skin and curdled in her gut before trailing straight down to her sex. With a mind of their own, Selena’s hands trailed up Jordan’s biceps and shoulders before coming to a comfortable rest around his neck. They’d been transported completely away from the precinct in a world where only they resided.

“Mmmm…” The deep throttle came from Jordan. He spoke against her hot mouth. “I’ve been wanting to do this all day,” he murmured.

“Yeah,” Selena said, “me too.”

They rested their foreheads against each other before Jordan kissed her on her cheek then glanced up at the officers standing around gawking at them. Straightening up, Jordan coached Selena to his side as he squared off his thick masculine shoulders and switched into attorney mode.

“Where’s the chief of police?” his dark voice bellowed.

Selena squirmed beside him, and she wondered if Jordan felt it. Just the sound of his voice revved her in ways that should be against the law. The officer Jordan posed his question to shifted on his feet, and his eyes darted around.

“Get him on the line, now,” Jordan barked.

“I don’t have his number,” the officer said, and a few others snickered.

Jordan stared at the officers for another long second then smiled. “I see. It’s a good thing I have him on speed dial then. It’s such a shame that his officers don’t have direct communication with him. I’ll be sure to let him know you guys lost the number,” he stated sarcastically.

The amusement on all of their faces dropped, and Jordan pulled out his cell phone and hit a button. The name Chief Fletcher appeared across the screen before Jordan put the phone to his ear. The arm that was wrapped around Selena pressed against her skin as Jordan held her possessively. Selena bit down on her bottom lip and wallowed in the feel of his strong embrace and the simple way he cuddled her with his massive hands.

“Good morning, Jordan,” Chief Fletcher answered, “or maybe I should say good afternoon since it’s after twelve. I was just telling the missus I have a golf date with your father this afternoon. What can I do you for?”

Jordan’s voice was stern and straightforward when he spoke.

“Chief Fletcher, this call is a personal one, but not in the way you might think. I’m standing in your downtown precinct because your officers dragged my sisters and someone near and dear to my heart down here like they were criminals.”

Jordan’s voice seethed with a hot ferment that let the chief know Jordan was not pleased or amused. Plastered against his side, Selena blushed at Jordan’s sentiment; someone near and dear to my heart rang through her ears on replay.

“Not only that, but an eyewitness has informed me that they were manhandled when being put inside the police cruiser. You’re up for re-election next year, correct?”

“Ah— yes, son, I am.”

“It would be such a shame if the city of Chicago found out your officers were roughhousing women. It would also be a shame if they knew your officers didn’t even have your number where you can be reached. How could you provide for the city if you don’t have simple contact with your detectives?” Before the chief could respond, Jordan continued, “That was rhetorical.”