Page 33 of He Sees You

I’ve practiced putting the strap on in the shower, the one place that Derek insists is camera-free. It had a bit of a learning curve, but as I do up the fasteners while he trembles slightly in front of me, the silicone jutting out from the juncture between my legs as my very own red erection, I feel as confident as ever.

“Get on the bed,” I order. And then, just like he did last Christmas to me, I tell him, “On your hands and knees.”

Our eyes meet. I drop my hand to the tip of the dildo, jerking it enough to make the bells ring out softly.

His lips quirk upward. “Yes, ma’am,” he says before he releases his own dick, fisting the covers as he pulls his bulk up on the bed. Arching his back, he crawls on his hands and needs until he’s in the middle of the bed.

“Stay there,” I tell him. “Don’t you dare fucking move.”

“I’m dead, aren’t I?” he says. “You finally got sick of my shit, took my service weapon and blew my brains out. That it?”

What? I’d opened the bottle of lube, but I pause when Derek says that. “Um. No?”

“You sure? Because if I’m not dead and this isn’t Heaven, then I must be dreaming. Do me a favor, precious? Don’t wake me up until you’ve made me come.”

I giggle, scooting behind him as I turn the bottle of lube over, spilling it down the crack of his ass. “You’re not dead, baby. Not dreaming, either. This is just my turn to give you a merry fucking Christmas.”

Emphasis, as ever, on thefucking.

Derek jolts when the cool liquid hits his skin, though he leans back against my hand as I make sure to oil him up as much as I can. “Shit. That feels so weird.”

“You’ll get used to it.” I mean,Idid. I slather the slick substance on my fingers, getting the dildo itself slippery. “Trust me. You want to be nice and oiled up to take Derek Coleman’s cock.”

He’s bracing himself on bent elbows and knees as I position the blunt head of the sex toy against his puckered asshole. “This really gives new meaning to when you tell me to go fuck myself,” he teases. “But even if it’s weird, it’s a good kind of weird. I like it.”

I knew he would.

Caressing his ass with one hand, I use the other to keep the dildo in place as I ask, “You ready for me?”

“My precious Dove, I was born ready for you.”

We’ll see about that.

I practiced with the strap-on. Still, it’s one thing to move my hips, getting down the rhythm of what it’s like to be penetrating someone instead of being penetrated. It’s something else entirely to figure out how to push the dildo inside of my husband when I don’t have any sensation in my fake cock.

I don’t—but he obviously does.

He groans as I breech his asshole, pushing with enough force to lodge the entire head of the dildo just inside of his ass. The jingle bells nearly drown out his heavy breathing, but once I still after I give him the first inch, all I can hear is Derek exhaling roughly.

“You okay?” I ask.

“Never been fucking better. You?”

I answer him by giving him a little more before slapping his ass quickly, then rubbing the red mark left behind from my palm. “I’m so proud of you, Derek. Look at you. You’re taking me so good, baby.”

“I fucking love you, Dove,” he grits out. “You know that, don’t you?”

Oh. I definitely do.

“Even when I’m about two inches deep in your ass with a dildo that jingles every time you breathe?”

“Give me another inch, hit my fucking prostate, and I don’t care if you swivel your hips and play ‘Santa Claus is Coming to Town’ with the bells as you fuck me, precious. If you can take my cock, I can take it, too.”

I slap his ass again. He grunts out a long, “Fuuuck,” as I push anothertwoinches inside of him.

“This is my cock, Derek. If I have the strap on, it’smine. Don’t you forget it.”

“I won’t,” he says, sounding almost feverish. He’s panting slightly, and I can’t tell if it’s because of how stuffed full of silicone he is, or because he’s so incredibly turned on by the idea of his wife fucking his ass as his Christmas present that he’s trying to keep from nutting too early. “Everything I am. My cock. My life. My heart. My fuckingsoul, Dove… it’s yours. It always has been.”