I’ll slip into that later. For now, though, with what I have in mind… I’d rather not have anything in the way.
My husband obviously agrees. Deep green eyes twinkling in a mixture of lust and amusement, he lets the towel around his waist fall to the floor next. It’s been a year since we had sex for the first time, but the way he rubs his thumb over his bottom lip as his dick starts to harden before my very eyes… the desperation in his gaze as he goes from content and looking forward to a cozy Christmas Eve with his wife to absolutely needing toravishher… he’s as down to fuck now as he was then.
Only that’s not quite what I have in mind.
So when he grabs himself as he begins to stalk toward me, I hurriedly hold up my free hand, warding him off.
He slows to a prowl. “Dove. Don’t tease me, precious. Not onChristmas.”
“I’m not,” I tell him. “But I know you.”NowI do. “You’ll get me flat on my back under you before I can blink, and since I want to give you a special Christmas gift first, that has to wait.”
Derek leans forward on the balls of his feet. “A gift? A special one? For me? What is it?”
Huh. Maybe I managed to keep a secret from him after all.
I gesture at the white box on the bed. I didn’t bother wrapping this one, but the box itself shouldn’t give away what’s inside. It’s larger than the one he used last year, courtesy of my modifications, and I swallow my smile when he gives it a shake and all we hear are muffled Christmas bells.
Derek raises his eyebrows.
I wait expectantly for him to open it.
He does, and then he laughs. “My jingle-dildo. I thought I threw that fucker away.”
Derek is a jealous, jealous man. That’s one of the first things I understood about him. Once he decided I was his, that was it. He doesn’t like me talking to other guys, and if one has the misfortune to flirt with me in front of my husband, he has a lot of petty traffic violations in his future.
But the most insane part of his jealousy is how he doesn’t stop at being envious ofpeople. He’s actually jealous of the inanimate dildo that he had made of his own dick, all because I fucked it before I fucked him.
“You did. But I took it out of the trash when you weren’t looking.”
I jut my chin out at him. “This was my gift, babe. You gave it to me. Now I’m going to give it to you.”
For a second, I don’t think he understands. Then it clicks, and the arousal on his face deepens before he shakes his head,almost as though he doesn’t want to get his hopes up that I mean what he thinks I mean.
“Give it to me?” he asks. “As a memento or…”
To answer his question, I hook my finger under one of the leather straps that I fitted around the base of the dildo. I purposely kept the bells on because he went to such trouble to glue them on the silicone in the first place—plus I still think it’s hysterical he decorated the Christmas-themed sexy toy with small silver bells before christening it the jingle-dildo—but the straps… those are new, and especially made with my husband’s predilections in mind.
He knows it, too.
Derek visibly shudders. I watch the sculpted muscles in his chest quiver as he grips his cock, squeezing it in anticipation.
I’ve never done anything like this before. He’s mentioned it, and as soon as I showed him any kind of hesitation about pegging my husband, he dropped the subject. That bothered me. In bed, there isn’t anything Derek won’t do for—and to—me. I know how much he loves anything to do with my ass, and I’ve let him fuck me in mine countless times since we got together.
When it comes to his, he never gets off harder than when I shove one of my fingers inside of him as he fucks me. I know he likes it. I know he’s been fascinated with the idea, and that he’s never done it before, either. He never had a partner he trusted enough to be that vulnerable with.
Now he has me, and this Christmas? If Derek wants to be fucked by his wife, I’m going to fuck him.
I toss the bottle of lube we use for when Derek wants anal onto the bed next to me. I never thought I’d be using it on him, but the more I mused over how to make our first Christmas Eve together as a married couple special, the more I convinced myself that using the jingle-dildo on my cop was fucking perfect.
I won’t use it on me again. Not when I saw how jealous it made Derek. But to use it onhim?
As I worked on the project, I actually got really into the idea—and now I can’t wait.