“Help you, how? Do you want to place Tobias in Ardan’s care?” Spyros’s gasped in surprise when Seamus nodded. “I thought the plan was to name Flint as his guardian, what changed?”
“Flint is not very thrilled at the perspective, and Tobias is afraid his brother will harm him at some point, which is not the case, but I can’t argue with the kid on the subject, not in his state. Spyro, please, keep an eye on my little brother while I’m in jail. If something happened to him...” Seamus’s voice broke, and he ran both hands over his face, sighing heavily.
“Hey, you’re talking to me, remember? I will never forget the day you appeared at our home’s doorstep, wearing threadbare clothes and holding my nine-year-old brother by the hand. That day, you brought me and my parents to life again, restoring our faith in humanity. Kostas says hello, by the way.” A radiant smile appeared on Spyros’s lips when he said the last part.
The atmosphere became more relaxed as the two men started to talk about Spyros’s younger brother, a very intelligent law school student, who already worked for one of the most prestigious law firms in the city, in spite of not graduating yet. The young man, who was kidnapped, sold into prostitution and later rescued by MacAtee, who ended up in the same dire situation at fourteen, was his parents’ and brother’s pride and joy.
Seamus couldn’t help comparing Kostas, who always studied and worked hard, building his career step by step, with Flint, who preferred the easy path, taking a position inside the legit companies his older brother established. Thanks to his intelligence and aggressiveness, the businesses expanded and became successful, which made him become arrogant and bossy, which made Seamus regret his decision to put Flint in charge of the companies.
Seeing the mix of worry and sadness in his friend’s eyes, Spyros assured him once again he would find a good moment to approach Ardan MacNamara and talk to him about Tobias. He was very fond the youngest of the MacAtee brothers, who was shy, quiet and sweet, in stark contrast with Flint, whom Spyros didn’t like at all, considering him ambitious and greedy.
Driving back home, Seamus started to think about Tobias fearing that if he was placed in Flint’s care, it won’t be long before his brother would become physically aggressive to him. He started to remember all the little incidents resulting in Tobias getting pushed into a wall or bruised and Flint claiming it happened accidentally.
Until then, Seamus hadn’t paid attention to those things, but it was about time to start doing so. More than that, he was going to reconsider the decision of putting Flint in charge of the companies. He would have to talk to his brother and had the feeling the discussion wasn’t going to be a pleasant one.
Seamus chased away the bad feeling with a shrug.Flint would have to obey; he has no other choice,he thought, somewhat irritated by the possibility of his brother opposing to his decision.I’m still the boss, and if someone goes against my will, I’ll teach them what their place is, brother or not.
“Paperwork again? It must be very hard for you to know that the existence of The Base depends on the whims of some bureaucrats who don’t know a thing about rescuing children from the claws of those who exploits them.” Fergus gestured with his head to the screen of the computer his twin brother was partially hidden behind.
“Not this time. I only answered an email from my benefactor, the gentleman who helped me with the casinos. Another of his protegees is in dire need, and my protector thinks I could help him. But you’re right, fighting bureaucracy is never easy, even for us, who are supported by people in very high places.” Ardan smiled, pleased to see his twin manifesting an interest in his work.
“Over the last few days, I’ve paid attention to things and asked around a lot, so now I have a minimum of knowledge about what happens here. If you want, I can serve as a link between you and the Social Services, a PR of sorts. I spent most of my life attending parties and all kind of social gatherings, building connections for my husband.”
A veil of sadness clouded Fergus’s until then bright eyes, but Ardan knew how to chase it away. “That would be great. Thank you for offering to do the dirty work for us all. Mister Bloom helps me a lot with it but not even he has the patience required to deal with those arrogant bureaucrats. I can’t tell you how much I would appreciate it.” Ardan’s eyes were filled with brotherly affection, his voice warm and sincere.
“I’ve thought a lot about my life over these past few days, and I’ve decided it’s time for a drastic change. I’ll put the past behind me, where it belongs, and start to heal but before taking the first step, I need your blessing. You’ll see what I’m talking about right now.” Fergus turned to the door, which opened almost immediately, Dehaan and Xavier letting themselves in.
Ardan greeted them with a smile, gesturing to the chairs in the room. The two men nodded in understanding, returning the smile, then pulled out two chairs, flanking Fergus, who suddenly fell silent, his cheeks coloured in a bright shade of pink. Xavier and Dehaan looked at him, but he averted his gaze, lowering his gaze.
After an awkward couple of seconds, the two men, encouraged by Ardan’s benevolent smile, tentatively touched Fergus’s delicate, almost feminine hands resting in his lap, gently caressing the knuckles and long, slim fingers. The man raised his head, looking in Ardan’s eyes as if he waited for approval, then laced his fingers with those of Xavier and Dehaan.
“Now I finally see what caused this positive change in your attitude, brother, and I don’t have words to tell you how happy I am for you. I hope this relationship brings you the peace and joy you deserve.” Ardan’s eyes were incandescent, voice thick with emotion.
“All I want is to give Fergus all the love he needs and to help him heal. I was put through the same hell at a young age, and I’m aware it will be a long, difficult road, but I promise to be by his side every step on the way.” Dehaan’s words, spoken in a solemn voice, moved Ardan almost to tears.
“And I will be there for both of them, all three, actually, because Everly is an important part of our relationship. Whenever one of them falls, I’ll be there to help them to their feet or even carry them.” Xavier wrapped Fergus and Dehaan in a warm, protective gaze, earning Ardan’s appreciation.
“From the first moment I saw how the two of you looked at my brother, I knew you had a special bond, and I was very surprised, a little shocked even, when Fergus stopped talking to you once he came back to The Base. Then, I remembered that, in some cases, it takes time to realize your feelings for the other, to let love in, and I’ve waited for my brother to complete the puzzle and figure things out.”
“Sorry to interrupt you guys, but Nico’s rescuer is here. He wants to talk to the big, bad boss.” Brennan peeked inside, grinning. “Should I tell him to wait or can he come inside? Oh, I see congratulations are in order! Hey, fellows. I know Ardan already gave you the talk, but if one of you only thinks about hurting Fergus, I’ll come after you, and I won’t be nice.”
“Of course, he can come in. We have nothing to hide, on the contrary. I think Dehaan would be thrilled to finally meet the one who brought the light back to Dunbar’s eyes. Also, I don’t think you met Spyros yet.” Ardan turned to his twin, who shook his head.
“No, I didn’t, and I’d love to thank him properly for saving my son’s life when no one else moved a finger to help my poor boy.”
Brennan nodded with a smile, then left, gesturing for Spyros to go inside. The man headed straight to Ardan, who was half-raised from the chair, hand extended over the desk, a bright smile on his sensual lips. The newcomer took it, giving it a vigorous shake, then turned to the three men sitting on the other side of the desk, next to each other.
Eyes wide with surprise, Spyros made a huge effort to suppress a gasp at the sight of Fergus. The man his friend had been mourning for more than two months sat comfortably, very much alive, holding hands with Dunbar’s twin and a well-built, tattooed, long-haired guy. His heart ached at the sight, but he managed to push the sadness aside, focusing on the purpose of his visit.
“Thank you for agreeing to see me, I deeply apologize for interrupting this happy... family reunion. I am here on behalf of my best friend Seamus, who is in dire need of help. You are his only hope.”
“I’m listening, and I promise to do everything in my power to help your friend. Judging by the tone of your voice, the poor guy is in a desperate situation.” Ardan cast a compassion-filled look in Spyros’s direction.
“Before we continue this discussion, I have to be completely honest with you about my friend’s identity. His full name is Seamus MacAtee.”