Xavier was the first to react, breaking the heavy silence that took over the room. “I can’t believe you have the nerve to come here, asking Ardan for help on behalf of that scum who...”

“The scum who didn’t intervene when your father’s gang took down all those drug dealers and who will allow them to destroy his own organization. The scum who mourned Fergus’s death and nearly killed Greenwood for provoking it and who would have loved and respected him, had they married. The scum who, at the age of fourteen, fell prey to the child traffickers but managed to escape, saving a bunch of young children, including my nine-year-old brother, Kostas. Yes, I’m here on his behalf.”

“I don’t know about the marriage part, but I guess there are still some things I have to catch up with.” Fergus spoke in a low, almost whispered voice, looking at his twin. “But I know that this man rescued my son, and I don’t think he can be friends with bad people. And I also know everyone deserves a second chance.”

“What can we do for your friend Seamus?” Ardan’s voice was gentle and soft, his eyes filled with compassion, understanding and a bit of sadness. “My brother is a very wise man. Everyone deserves a chance, so I’m listening to you.”

“He has a younger brother, Tobias, whom he loves dearly and for whose wellbeing and safety is very concerned at the moment. Seamus is going to be away for a couple of years, maybe more, and he wants, if it’s possible, to bring Tobias to The Base, so the kid can spend his remaining time in peace. He suffers from a very rare form of cancer, and although it progresses very slowly at the moment, it’s irreversible.”

“If MacAtee really is the loving older brother you picture him as, why didn’t he come here personally? Is he afraid of being turned into the police, to pay for all the evil things he’s done?” Xavier’s voice was harsh and suspicious, a frown creasing his forehead.

“Once his mission is over, he will go to Ian Saint-Clair and negotiate the terms of his surrender. Seamus wants to pay for the sins everybody thinks he committed, and when he goes to jail, all the other drug dealers will go down with him.”

“Wait a minute, do you mean to say that MacAtee is not the drug-selling bastard everyone thinks he is? With all due respect for what you did for Fergus’s son, but I’m not going to buy that.” Xavier vehemently shook his head, disbelief written across his face.

“Sometimes, things are not what they seem at first sight. You need to look closer or dig deeper. What is your friend’s story? If you can share it, of course.” Ardan spoke in the same gentle voice from earlier, his eyes shining with interest and curiosity.

Spyros nodded and started to tell the men in the room about Seamus’s childhood, dramatically marked by the abuse his drug addicted father subjected him and his mother to. When he was twenty-three, devastated by the death of the one who gave birth to him, Seamus promised on her grave to do everything in his power to eradicate the drug dealing from the city.

A year later, he still didn’t have the slightest idea about how to keep the promise when he literally stumbled onto a homeless guy who couldn’t move his legs. Seamus checked the man into the hospital, paid for his treatment, then took him home and got him back on tracks. The guy, named Flannagan, proved to be an invaluable source of information on the city less significant drug dealers.

He also gave Seamus the name of a Hong Kong triad leader who helped him with money and advice on how to build the reputation of a cruel, brutal and ruthless drug dealer, who used all the dirty tricks to eliminate the competition. Flannagan, who both Spyros and MacAtee suspected of being enrolled in some secret service in his younger years, also got Seamus people to work for him.

“You mentioned earlier a Triad leader from Hong Kong who financed your friend’s plan. Do you happen to know his name?” Ardan’s voice was thick with emotion, much to Fergus’s, Dehaan’s and Xavier’s surprise.

“Actually, I remember it very well. Bayan Stark, also know as The Great Dragon of the East. Seamus once said that, according to Flannagan, his power and influence were incredible, second only to...”

“A group of four men known as the Supreme Dragons, but sometimes, even they are powerless against the forces of evil.” Ardan turned to Fergus and his lovers. “The man Spyros talks about is the same who helped me establish the first casinos and start building The Base. Earlier, when my honorable benefactor emailed me, asking for help on behalf of another of his protegees, he was talking about Seamus.”

“Correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems that my father and his gang were used by MacAtee as bait, escape goats or both. Had something gone wrong, they would have became the target of the other dealers’ wrath while his precious cover would have stayed intact.” Xavier’s cobalt-blue eyes darkened, his voice filled with bitterness.

“Your father was tipped off by Flannagan himself who planned all the attacks down to the most insignificant details. An intervention team always waited close to the target of the robbery, ready to intervene if something had gone wrong.” Spyros’s sincere, passionate voice seemed to convince Xavier, whose attitude became less hostile.

“Where is Tobias? Did you bring him with you, or is he still at home? And you didn’t tell us why is Seamus so concerned about his safety because I understood the wellbeing part.” Fergus, who was silent until then, shyly spoke.

“He is in the car. He insisted on coming with me, although I told him it was possible he would not be admitted here because of Seamus’s reputation. He’s either reading or doing some school assignments, but he might be napping as well. Sometimes, the illness takes all his energy, and he lingers in bed for days.” The look in Spyros’s eyes was pained, his voice defeated and broken.

“Your little friend Tobias will get the best possible medical care. My husband and his colleagues at the clinic will see to it.” Ardan smiled brightly as he left his chair. “I believe in angels and miracles. I’ve seen enough of both over the years, and who knows...”

The group of five men crossed the yard, heading to the place where Spyros had parked the car. The clear, crystalline sound of kids’ laughter put a wide smile on everyone’s face, a collective gasp escaping from their lips at the sight of the three boys leaning against the vehicle. They were none others than Nico and Jeroen, flanking a very lively Tobias, who was laughing loudly, hands over his belly.

The three stopped their fit of laughter, catching their breaths, eyes shining. Spyros’s heart jumped with joy at the sight because it was the first time in a very long time he’d seen Tobias so happy and carefree. The boy harbored a melancholic expression most of the time, even in the pictures Seamus regularly sent to Spyros.

The boys switched places, Jeroen ending up in the middle. As discreetly as they could, the five men got closer, so they could hear what the boys were saying. Softly nudging the platinum blond kid in the side, Nico called him sleepy ass, much to Tobias’s amusement. Jeroen mocked confusion, looking around very disoriented and making funny faces.

When the three boys started to laugh again, Spyros took his phone out from the jacket’s pocket and started to snap picture after picture, sending them to Seamus.Don’t worry, my friend, Tobias will have a good life, surrounded by caring, warm people. This place is feared by the evil ones, your little brother will be safe here.


“Thank you for coming, I promise you won’t be disappointed.” Greenwood slightly bowed, showing his guest inside the motel room. “I know this is nothing like the comfort and luxury you are used to, but it’s discreet, and at the moment, discretion is what we both need.”

“You’re right. I don’t want to be seen in your company. Everyone would think I’m as brainless as you. To kill the golden fish who gave you everything, that’s the highest level of stupidity I’ve heard of.” Fernando Cortez looked around the room, a contemptuous expression in his beady eyes.

“According to English laws, I would have been the little wimp’s sole heir was it not for that snotty brat. Anyway, if I were you, I’d show a little more respect to the man who has the power to make you the indisputable leader of the city’s drug market or to sink you like an old boat.” Greenwood plopped down on the old coach, inviting Cortez to imitate him.

“Come on, hombre. Everybody out there knows you are nothing without Fergus Trevellyan’s money and influence. How are you going to do that? You have nothing. Nada.”

“I know things you don’t have the slightest idea about. Plus, I have a good plan. All I need are some strong men with excellent fighting skills, like those in your private guerilla force. Very little, compared to what you gain.” Greenwood gave the Colombian drug lord a piercing stare, waiting for his answer.