The preparation ritual, with everything it involved, was something entirely new for Fergus, and for a moment, he wondered how it benefited the other man, without thinking about his own good. He was so used to being humiliated and abused that he stopped seeing himself as a human being even from the first year of marriage with Greenwood.
“Sweet boy, what’s wrong? Are you hurting? Did I do anything that made you feel uncomfortable and embarrassed? Talk to me, please!” Dehaan’s worried voice brought Fergus back from the not-so-happy thoughts he got lost in.
“I’m alright, why are you asking? It’s just that... some of these things are new to me, and I don’t know if I supposed to... You are the one who matters, don’t think about me.”
“Sweet boy, it’s about us here, about giving and receiving pleasure, about communicating. Please, let me know what you feel, let it all out. I want to hear all the little sounds you make.” Dehaan wrapped Fergus in a warm, loving gaze, and he pushed back on Xavier’s fingers, sucking them inside his tight, hot, welcoming ass.
It was all about him and his pleasure. It took a good few seconds for Fergus to wrap his mind around the younger man’s words, but when he finally did, an expression of pure joy took over his features. He let out needy whimpers as Dehaan slid his fingers in and out of him, arching his back and pleading with his eyes.
Xavier slowly pushed into his lover, and the young man imitated him, starting to enter Fergus one inch after another, searching for any signs of pain or discomfort on his face. However, all Dehaan could see was the need to please and be pleased at the same time, so he started to move gently inside Fergus, in sync with Xavier’s slow thrusts.
Under the actions of his young lover, the man’s cock hardened, standing at attention, and he ached for relief, but the phantasm of Greenwood towered over him, a threatening, hateful expression in those cold, beady eyes. Fortunately, Dehaan noticed the lost, painful look on Fergus’s face and gestured with his head to his hands, smiling warmly and reassuringly.
Letting themselves be sucked into a whirlwind of passion, pleasure, lust and desire, overwhelmed by the need to complete each other, to posses and be possessed, the three men brought one another to the brink of insanity, abandoning themselves to the ecstasy. The light in Fergus’s turquoise eyes became brighter, almost incandescent, his heart thumping madly against his ribcage as an immense joy filled it.
Dehaan’s hot seed flooded his channel, and he welcomed it, shooting his own load over his fist and torso at the same time. With a cry of victory, Xavier released himself deep into his boyfriend, renewing their pact of trust and love, then collapsed on the bed, on his back, his chest heaving, exhausted but happy. After several minutes, gathering all his energy, the man left the bed, going into the bathroom where he cleaned himself.
Shortly after, Xavier stepped back into the bedroom, two damp washcloths in hand. He used one to remove the evidence of their lovemaking from Dehaan, giving him the other washcloth. His ice-blue eyes shining with newfound love for the man in his arms, the young man wiped the white, sticky substance from Fergus’s abdomen, performing the last part of the lovemaking ritual with care and tenderness.
Tears of happiness started to flow from Fergus’s eyes as Dehaan caressed his face with delicate fingers once he finished cleaning him, praising him, saying how much he enjoyed making love with the man, calling him sweet boy and touching his face with velvety, sensual lips. All of a sudden, Greenwood and all the horrors Fergus endured at the merciless man’s hands vanished into thin air, memories of the dark, chased away by the light in Dehaan’s eyes.
A sated smile on his face, silky lashes fluttering over his beautiful eyes, which were no longer shadowed with sadness, Fergus let himself be enveloped in his young lover’s warm, affectionate, protective embrace, drifting into a peaceful, dreamless sleep.
“Do you think we should wake up Fergus? It’s been five hours since he fell asleep. I’m starting to worry.” Xavier lightly frowned as he stirred a pan filled with vegetables. “I’m going to wake him up as after I finish here. He needs to eat.”
“You’re right, but the poor soul also needs plenty of rest. He reminds me of myself after I came to terms with what happened to me and decided to live my life in solitude. I slept for days, like my body needed to recover after a long, devastating illness. Until that day, I hadn’t fully realized how horrific the treatment I endured for two years was.” Dehaan stared blankly into space for a bit, then shook off the dark memories.
“There is one thing about Fergus I don’t understand, no matter how hard I try. If this Blair bastard hurt him so much, why didn’t he file for divorce and leave the scum empty-handed? He could also accuse the brute of domestic abuse, putting him behind bars for a few good years.” The crease on Xavier’s forehead deepened as he took the pan off the stove.
“Fergus was the sole heir of a British aristocrat, a man of high morals and reputation, and he was afraid that if he divorced Greenwood, the bastard wouldn’t have hesitated to tarnish his family’s good name, bringing their private life to the center of the tabloids’ unwanted attention. Of course, his lawyers would have sued the publications in question, but the damage would have already been done.” Dehaan let out a soft sigh, leaving the chair he sat on and going to Xavier.
“Sometimes, I can’t understand rich people—the extents they are willing to go to get their hands on more money and power. Your parents, for instance, planned to sacrifice both their sons on the altar of greed. When I think about it, I want to...” Xavier balled his hands into fists, gritting his teeth.
“It’s not the same thing. It took generations to build the companies Fergus inherited from his adoptive father, not to mention he also thought about the thousands of employees whose life literally depended on the stability of said companies. Had he divorced, a big chunk of his estate would have gone to Greenwood as compensation, so he chose to stay and suffer. Plus, Fergus still clung to the illusion that his husband loved him.”
“You seem to know quite a lot about his life. How did you find out all these things? I know the two of you spent a lot of time together when we brought him to my parents’ house, but still, he doesn’t seem the type who opens up easily.” Xavier’s voice was filled with an innocent curiosity, no trace of malice or jealousy in it.
“From time to time, Fergus had episodes of delirium, caused by the high fever, and that’s how I found out some of the things I’ve told you about. My brother Dunbar, with whom he bonded quickly over the time both of them stayed at Mister Bloom’s house, told me the rest.”
In the master bedroom, Everly was wide awake, listening to Xavier’s and Dehaan’s worried voices, a bright smile appearing on his face when he realized Fergus was the object of their concern. Finally, the other one will have two men to take care of his needs and love him as he deserved.
Although Everly was happy and relieved, he also felt a pang in his chest when he thought about his own, non-existent sentimental life. No man in his right mind would accept him as his boyfriend when he would hear about the complicated relationship he and Fergus had. Everly wasn’t going to make a secret out of it, the bond he shared with the other was part of him, of his identity.
And there was also his need to submit, to worship a man who would be able to offer him the two things he craved for: guidance and domination. He didn’t trust people easily, plus most of the guys wouldn’t know how to handle the situation, not everyone was born to be a good dominant. Everly sighed softly, imagining for a moment what it would be like to serve someone strict, but not harsh, caring, but not too soft. Someone like Xavier.
After spending a few more minutes in the warmth and comfort of the king size bed, the man left it, going into the bathroom for a quick shower, a half-melancholic, half-happy smile playing on his lips. Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Dehaan and Xavier continued to talk, this time with Everly as the subject of discussion.
“Now, that Fergus has us to take care of him, I think his other, protective, bolder side won’t manifest anymore, and to be honest, it makes me sad. I really like it. Him. I’m very fond of him, he’s... I can’t express what I feel for Everly, it’s quite complicated.” Dehaan smiled, turning to Xavier. “What about you? What do you think he’ll do?”
“You’re right. Everly put Fergus’s happiness above everything else, and he’ll leave, not wanting to disrupt our harmony. I’m forever indebted to him for encouraging me to come and talk to you about my feelings, and I think I’ve found a way to keep him around, but...” Xavier’s eyes were clouded with a mix of incertitude and melancholy as his gaze swept over Dehaan.
“But what? You’re afraid I won’t agree with it? I already gave you my blessing, in case you ever wanted to take a sub, remember? Your intention is great, but would Everly want to be with you that way? I mean, he was psychologically a virgin, and his first sexual experience was a vicious rape, followed by torture that left both him and Fergus nearly dead.” Dehaan fell silent, waiting for Xavier’s answer.
“Everly craves to be dominated—in a good way, of course—to be taken care of and guided, helped to explore his sexuality, to discover what he likes in bed and what he doesn’t like. He needs someone who can control his wild, untamed side, the one that helped him protect Fergus for such a long time. He doesn’t need it now as much as before and is afraid of what could happen if it unleashed.”
“Yes, you’re right. I need these things, and I think you can give them to me. If you don’t mind taking in a broken sub, that is.” Everly stepped into the kitchen, wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist.