“Your words make me very happy, my lovely, especially since you haven’t been yourself during the last couple of days. Did something happen? Do you need space? Did bad memories come back? You’re stressing too much over Dunbar’s retrial, you should take a short break; otherwise...” Xavier cut himself short, planting a sweet kiss on Dehaan’s temple.

“I’m not worrying about my brother; everything will be alright. He’s very confident in the lawyers’ abilities and is sure they will manage to get an annulment of the sentence once the new evidence is brought before the judge and jury. It’s only that I can’t stop thinking about Fergus, about how sad and defeated he looked since...” Dehaan left the sentence unfinished, staring blankly ahead.

“Since the two of us publicly announced that we are a couple. I know, I shouldn’t have paraded it when he was around. I only realized how much he was hurting after he left. I miss Everly very much, his courage, wit, strength, but also the sweet, vulnerable side he has. And I know you miss Fergus, the two of you experienced the same ordeal, and that brought you very close.” Xavier smiled, brushing off a strand that fell on Dehaan’s forehead, covering his eyes. “Things shouldn’t be complicated, you know.”

“Are you... do you want to include Fergus and Everly in our relationship? You should know by now that you can’t have one without the other, and I don’t think Fergus would be able to offer you... Sorry, it won’t work, no matter how much you and I wish it would. Things are complicated, whether we like it or not.” Dehaan put his head on Xavier’s broad chest, letting out a soft sigh.

“You know, Everly once told me you won’t know if a thing will work or not until you give it a try. He also said that using the right approach is the key to any successful enterprise. Are you ready to give this relationship a chance?”

“As ready as I can be. Let’s do it.”


Fergus was driving slowly and carefully, paying attention to every building, careful not to miss the apartment complex Dehaan lived in. According to Dunbar, his brother had moved in together with Xavier the day after Fergus left the Mills’ home. Ardan’s twin felt a pang in his chest when the younger man mentioned it but didn’t let it show.

As he got closer to the destination, doubt started to take over him, and he wanted to go back but changed his mind at the last moment, continuing to drive. Ten minutes later, breath hitching, heart frantically hammering against his ribcage, Fergus stood in the apartment’s doorway, ringing the bell.

“Wow, what a huge, pleasant surprise! The only man, except my darling Xavier, who keeps me wide awake at night!” Dehaan greeted the visitor with a warm smile and a tight hug. “Please, come in!”

“Who are you talking to, my love?” Xavier’s deep, rugged voice made Everly weak in the knees, the biker’s naked torso a mouth-watering sight. “Finally, you decided to pay us a visit! I can’t tell you how relieved I am. We thought you were angry about something we did or said.”

Fergus looked in Xavier’s cobalt-blue eyes, his chest constricting in pain when he saw the thin veil of sadness covering them. Slowly, he lowered his gaze, guilt and regret taking over him. “I’m very sorry for worrying you. I’m not angry, mad or anything else. It’s just... life is terribly complicated sometimes.”

“That’s right, but it’s up to us to make it simple. Take that coat off, you are overdressed for the temperature inside this apartment, then make yourself comfortable, and we’ll try to find some ways to simplify it. We, as in Dehaan, you, Everly and me.” Xavier patted the spot on the couch between him and Dehaan, a sexy smile on his face.

“I won’t stay long. Ardan will start to worry if I’m late for lunch. I just came to apologize for my very ungentlemanly behaviour and tell you about my intentions to...”

“Look at your back and shoulders, sweet boy, so stiff and tense! Turn around so I can give you a little massage.” Dehaan’s low voice was like a purr, a siren’s song Fergus couldn’t resist.

“Button-down shirts and ties are always part of your outfit. You don’t look very comfortable if you ask me. Plus, the tie makes you look old. How about loosening it a bit, or even getting rid of it for good?” Xavier lightly touched Fergus’s neck, making him shiver with pleasure.

“I love button-downs, always did. I feel very comfortable wearing them, plus they can be combined with virtually any type of pants. I hate ties, though, but Blair insisted to wear them. He used to say I looked less like a wimp.” Fergus lowered his head, pausing for a moment. “Old habits die hard, I guess...”

“You sound like you are in great need of a deep, long sleep, sweet boy. When was the last time you slept properly? How about you get out of your clothes, get into the shower, and then take a nap here while we cook lunch?” Dehaan’s words were sweet music to Fergus’s tired soul, a balm on his tense nerves, but he wasn’t ready to give in to the sweet temptation.

“Thanks, but I don’t think it’s a good idea. As good as it sounds, a nap will only trouble me because it will also bring the nightmares back. It’s time for me to go, but before that...”

“Then let us watch over your sleep. We will keep you warm and safe so the monsters wouldn’t dare harm you, not even in your dreams. None of us will act in an inappropriate way or make indecent comments. You need to rest, sweet boy.” The sincerity and concern in Dehaan’s voice touched Fergus’s soul, and he decided to openly express his needs and worries.

“I want to be kissed, held, caressed. I need someone to tell me it’s going to be alright, and I know you are going to give that to me. However, I’m old, boring and clingy, and I’m afraid at some point you’ll get tired of me, or Xavier will get jealous. I’m tired of being used and abandoned. I don’t have the time or energy to start a new relationship only to...” Fergus felt the sobs raising, suffocating him, and fell silent, fighting hard to keep them at bay.

Without a word, Xavier and Dehaan helped their guest to stand, flanking him to the bedroom where they helped him out of his clothes. Opening the bathroom door, Dehaan gestured to Fergus to follow him, then pointed to the cabinets, telling the visitor what each of them contained, then stepped out, giving him privacy.

About fifteen minutes later, showered and dried, the man stepped back into the room, naked as the day he was born, Xavier and Dehaan letting out a collective gasp of awe at the sight of his well-toned body, planes of muscles hinting from under the pale, smooth skin. With hesitant steps, Fergus headed to the bed, the other two joining him.

Head propped in one hand, Dehaan used the index of the other to circle the visitor’s dusky pink nipples, repeating the operation a few times in a row. Sweet, quiet sounds of pleasure escaped from Fergus’s full, tempting lips every time the younger man’s finger touched the sensitive tip of a nipple or another, turning them into two small pebbles.

Meanwhile, Xavier peppered sweet kisses on Dehaan’s spine, his lips barely touching the other man’s soft, freckled skin. He moved lower and lower, down to the firm, round ass cheeks and the cleft, separating them, where he stopped for a bit, then started to scrape his teeth across the tender flesh, taking turns at lightly biting them.

Xavier’s actions made Dehaan moan against Fergus’s skin as he kissed, licked and nipped his way down the man’s torso until he reached his navel. There, he paused, only to continue his exploration, softly caressing the smooth, warm skin with the tip of his tongue, setting it on fire. Eyeing Fergus’s cock that had started to react to the stimulation, Dehaan grinned, kissing the length up and down.

From time to time, he jolted, delighting Xavier, who, for a while, continued to have fun with his lover’s perfectly shaped ass cheeks, licking, biting, and even slapping them a few times, the touch barely there, turning them a delicate shade of pink. Dehaan wiggled his ass, his mind already hazed from pleasure and passion, but he still managed to focus on Fergus, parting his legs and nipping at the tender, sensitive flesh on his inner thigh.

His cock hard as steel and dripping precum, Xavier decided it was time to stop playing. Extending one hand, he took the lube from the nightstand, coating his index, then passed it to Dehaan, who took it with a smile and a nod. Putting a pillow under Fergus’s back, he gently spread the man’s legs apart, locking eyes with him.

The older man emptied his mind of thoughts, looking at the ceiling, waiting to be attacked and abused, like had happened every time with Blair when he penetrated him. The intrusion was brutal, rough, the pain unbearable, but his husband took great pleasure in subjecting him to that horrible treatment. No complaints were allowed, only sharp cries of pain that delighted Greenwood.

Everything Dehaan did to him until that moment, the kisses, sweet words, barely there touches, awakened sensations in Fergus he had never experienced before, making his body react in ways he had never imagined. However, with Blair’s shadow looming over him, he didn’t let anything out, reminding himself he was there for Dehaan’s pleasure.