Page 29 of Angels of the Night


“Berl Abramsky owes you a favor? The guy is a legend, the best undercover and double agent the CIA ever had, but I think you already know that.” Caleb gave Zachary a surprised, incredulous look. “How on Earth did the two of you meet. He retired ages ago, or so the saying goes.”

“We could use that kind of help. The major problem here is Berl Abramsky vanished into thin air more than a decade ago.” Ardan's voice was calm, but his mind was working feverishly.

“I'll message him. We should have an answer in a couple of minutes. Like I said earlier, the guy is indebted to me until the day of his death.” An unreadable expression on his face, Zachary pulled out the phone from the pocket of his jeans and started to tap on it.

“All the years I've spent in your company, and I didn't make the connection, didn't even bother to ask. Some boyfriend I was back then!” Saint ran a hand over his face, giving Zachary a regret-filled look. “You’re Berl's son, the one who excelled at the Military Academy but surprisingly resigned, giving up on a promising career. Plus, the two of you having the same last name...”

“One day, when the three of us settle down, I'll tell you the whole twisted story of my life. I don't want our life together to be shadowed by secrets and misunderstandings, and I promise to be completely open about my many issues. However, for now we have a kid to rescue and bring home safely.” Taking a look at his phone's screen, Zachary smiled weakly. “Berl Abramsky just messaged me. As expected, he'll help us.”

“Caleb, please, go get Lothier and the other boys. We have a rescue team to put together. Are you going to be the coordinator, or is this honor reserved for our special guest?” Ardan turned to Zachary, making no efforts to hide his curiosity.

“I think Saint and I are the best choice for the position of team leaders because of our extensive knowledge of the substance theft case's history. Yes, you guessed it right. Our mission there is not only about bringing Rowan home, we also must recuperate the compound and send it back to London.” Zachary's eyes were shining with savage determination, making Saint's and Caleb's hearts swell with pride.

“I'm very proud of my little brother's taste in men.” A bright smile graced Ardan's austere features as he turned to Zachary. “If that's the case, you will need someone specialized in handling volatile substances. Do you have anyone in mind, or...”

“Actually, I intended to ask you to talk to Doctor Stark, the director of the Van der Meerwe Institute. Any of their lab technicians would fit the bill, their stainless reputation placing them above any doubt.”

As Ardan approved with a nod and his signature smile, Lothier stepped into the office, followed by all the others who wanted to be part of the rescue team. Zachary's military background and Saint's strategical thinking were a perfect combination, the way their minds worked together making everyone look at them with awe and respect.

Each question the future members of the team asked got complete, to the point answers, which made them feel safe and confident in the success of the mission, with the two men in charge. From where he sat, Caleb examined the concentrated, serious expressions on Saint's and Zachary's faces, his heart filled with endless love for the two men. His men, the young blond thought, contentment, happiness and pride invading every cell of his body.


One hour earlier

Fabian paced the library of his mansion, trying to tell himself that being agitated wouldn't do him any good, and he should remain calm instead. In spite of the man's efforts to remain relaxed, to control his emotions and wait patiently, hoping for the better, worry was taking over him, playing tricks with his mind, making him imagine one terrible thing after another.

It was very hard for Fabian to stop his imagination going wild when more than twenty-four hours had passed since the last time Rowan's kidnappers got in touch with him. The last message was a video showing the kid strapped on a metal table, stark naked, while the evil voice belonging to the one holding the camera described the torture his victim was going to be subjected to soon.

Drained, Fabian plopped down in an armchair, which happened to be Rowan's favorite spot in the entire library. He missed the kid more than he thought he would, the man admitted, resting his head in his hands. The silly antics, the mixture of shameless and innocence when he flaunted his nakedness all over the place, his brilliant mind—all those things earned Rowan a special place in Fabian's heart.

In the beginning, the seventeen-year-old was nothing more than a project for the man, a very interesting challenge he accepted. It was about seeing if he could change the boy's destiny, turning him away from the dangerous path he took. When he heard the blond talking with such great determination about his wish of surpassing his brother Phillip's level of evilness, Fabian saw himself at the same age with the same negative aspirations.

There was something about Rowan, an air of innocence, heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time, that won the man's heart, not that he fought against the budding paternal feelings, on the contrary. Even the Daddy game was a way for the blond kid to say he felt protected and safe in the man's presence, to express the trust he had in him.

At that point, Lance stepped into the library, carrying a tray with a teapot, a mug and a plate with a few mini-sandwiches. He bent over the coffee table placed next to the armchair, arranging the objects so that his boss could have everything at hand. At the same time, Fabian, only half aware of the chauffeur's presence, lifted his head, lips lightly touching those of the other man.

The barely there contact took them both by surprise, and for a moment, they froze, not knowing what to do. Then, like attracted by a magnet, Lance captured his boss's lips between his, gently sucking on them at first, then hungrily taking possession of Fabian's mouth. Pushing the tip of his tongue against the other man's teeth, the chauffeur demanded entrance, and it was impossible for his employer to resist.

The kiss was rough, dominant, wild and controlling, but it also had a tenderness and sweetness of its own, something Fabian never experienced when he was with Alexander or the monster who stole his innocence and ruined his childhood. A sensation unknown to him, like a warmth spreading all over his body, took over the man, making him completely surrender to Lance, who gladly took everything Fabian was giving.

After a while, the chauffeur stopped as suddenly as he started and, still catching his breath, stared into those pools of blue that haunted his sleep for the past ten years. It wasn't fair to take advantage of the vulnerable position his boss was in. This was not how he did the things. Slowly, Lance crouched down in front of Fabian, taking the man's hands between his own.

“Boss, I'm sorry. I don't know what happened to me. I let myself get carried away and, before I knew it...I should have shown restraint, but I didn't, which I'm very sorry for. It won't happen again, I promise you.” Lance's voice sounded apologetic, but it also had a tinge of resignation Fabian detected instantly.

“Sorry? For what? Am I that unattractive? Judging by your voice, what happened a few minutes ago was a huge mistake, something you desperately want to forget about.” It was the other man's turn to sound sad and defeated.

“Forget about it? Never. I'll always treasure this memory but knowing what happened to you...I'm afraid I might have forced myself on you, damaging the fragile balance you...”

“Lance, look at me. I'm a mature, fifty-five-year-old man, who knows perfectly what he does and why. Not a lost thirteen-year-old, who doesn't know what happened to him and how to cope with it. Had I felt myself threatened in any way, I wouldn't have allowed you to continue. I liked it very much. And, once Rowan comes back home, I'd love to be more moments like this one between the two of us.”

Melting at the sight Fabian's face, graced by a bright smile, Lance knelt before him, speaking with ardency. “I will never leave your side, Boss. I'll never abandon you, no matter what. However, I don't want to build our relationship on buried secrets and lies, so first I want to tell you everything about me.”

“I'll listen to you with great attention, but I already know everything I need. You are a loyal, kind, compassionate man. The best employee and friend I could wish for.” Fabian's voice was vibrant with emotion, his sapphire-blue eyes shining with unfeigned affection.

“My real name is Berl Abramsky, and I was, according to my direct superiors, the best undercover agent in the history of the CIA. I loved my job, was happily married and had the most beautiful and intelligent little boy on the planet. That was until twenty-five years ago when everything started to go down the drain. That one case took everything from me: family, career, friends, reducing me to almost nothing.”