“Listen, kid, what kind of sick fuck do you think I am?” Zachary's expression was a mix of shock and disbelief as he looked at Peyton, who stood before him, head up high, voice firm, although a little sad.
“You would be surprised to discover how many people, who are considered highly educated by those around them, had one of those reactions when they found out about my condition. My biological father, Conroy Winters, was utterly disgusted by the fruit of his clandestine affair with one of his promising students, that he left mom right after I was born.”
“You...are Phillip's half-brother?” Zachary didn't have time to get over the shock Peyton's earlier words produced, the second revelation sending him back in a stupor-like state. “He never mentioned you. I doubt he knew about your existence, and I'm happy you came to me. Finally, there is someone out there willing to listen and see the truth.”
“Let me finish my story first, please. I was deemed a freak, half-boy, half-girl, both and none at the same time. I can father children, but also carry them. Some see me as a flat-chested girl, others as a boy with a pussy. Amidst all this hatred, I made a friend, whose cousin saw me worthy of love.” Peyton's voice became dreamy, serenity taking over his features.
“Saint was like that, at least at the beginning of our relationship, which started fourteen years ago. At that moment, he was the star of the Police Academy, and I a cadet in the Army, with a lot of issues. Sometimes, I wish I’d never met him, but then I remember the good times and...Sorry for the interruption, hope you had better luck than I.” Zachary's voice was melancholic as he stared blankly ahead.
“Ezra, my boyfriend, had a lot of demons to fight off, but in the end, he vanquished them all, and we reunited. I summoned all my courage and told him about my condition, but, instead of rejecting me, that wonderful man honored me with his body in all possible ways, getting me pregnant. When I was three months into it, Conroy Winters found out and kidnapped me.”
“Did he...please, tell me he didn't harm you or the baby.” Zachary studied Peyton, his gaze filled with compassion and worry. “Where did he take you? What happened there?”
Putting a hand on their stomach, Peyton started to tell the other man about the crazy scientist's plan of keeping them safe until the baby was born, then turning them into a sex slave, to be impregnated and give birth to other children, genetically engineered to inherit the condition that made their parent so special.
Eyes wide, Peyton relived the terrible events from almost five years earlier, everything fresh in his memory. At some point, they stopped for a few good minutes, hugging themselves, their usually full, rosy lips turning white. Zachary felt it was the moment to intervene, so he left his place, gently guiding Peyton to a chair. Making sure they were comfortably seated, he went to the mini-fridge, getting a bottle of water.
As he was pouring its content in a big glass, Zachary had the feeling he was going to find out something horrible about Phillip, whom he still considered his best friend. Indeed, the man wasn't wrong as Peyton started to recount the part where their half-brother touched and fondled them. Tears of shame burned down their pale cheeks, quiet sobs racking their fragile frame.
“If it wasn't for Conroy, who held him on a tight leash, the monster would have raped me on the spot. For the first and last time in my life, I was grateful the monster was my father.” Peyton stopped, inhaling sharply. “I'm lucky to have Ezra in my life, his gentleness and understanding helped me in more than one way.”
“I...I believe you, and I'm very sorry you put yourself through that nightmare again so the stubborn bastard I am could finally see the things as they are. And yes, you are right about having someone special in your life, it does wonders. I had the chance of being loved by two amazing men, but, like the fool I am, I threw it away.” Zachary fell silent, hanging his head low in shame.
“No, you didn't. They are both where you left them, waiting for you to come back, so the three of you can start over.” A weak smile appeared on Peyton's lips, reaching his beautiful green eyes. “There is one more thing I have to tell you before I go back to The Base. The Phillip you have fond memories of, the young, brilliant, friendly, funny scientist...he is real.”
“What...there were two of them? Did he have a twin brother? Because if yes, it would explain a lot.” Zachary's mind started to work feverishly, analysing all the possibilities.
“No. Like Saint told you, the twisted-minded bastard created a very unstable and volatile compound he uses on teenage boys so they can develop a pregnancy-supporting system. The one I'm talking you about is a seventeen-year-old genius who found a solution to neutralize the substance. Phillip found out about it and kidnapped the kid, who is also our half brother.”
“What are we waiting for? Let's go to The Base. We need to build a solid strategy and put together a rescue party. Time is running and not in our favor.” The CIA agent resurfaced, taking over, getting Zachary out from the numbness which had swallowed him over the past seven years.
“That's what I wanted to hear! I have no doubt that you'll bring my little brother back in one piece, especially with Caleb and Saint by your side. Together, you are invincible, a force of nature. I pity those who are foolish enough to oppose you.” The weak smile back again on their lips, Peyton followed Zachary out of the barn.
At The Base, the everyday routine was following its usual course, or so it seemed to someone who came from the outside. However, Caleb and Saint's ex-lover detected almost instantly a certain tension into the atmosphere, noticeable especially in the looks almost everyone cast in Zachary's direction. The expression on men's faces varied from indifference to curiosity and even hostility.
Once Peyton took the mask off of Phillip's face, revealing the monster in all his ugliness, Zachary figured out pretty quickly how his so-called friend's devious mind worked and decided to be the one who would go inside. The man knew exactly what buttons to push to make Phillip spill the beans about his brother, but he needed a tightly-knit squad, expert in rescue missions, who could get the teen out quick and unharmed.
Zachary took the route to the administrative building, parting ways with Peyton, who headed to the school. Walking down the narrow alley, deep in thoughts, the man didn't notice the person coming from the opposite direction, and when he did, it was too late to avoid them. Confused, surprised and with his heart aching, Zachary studied the face of the young man standing in front of him, big, innocent turquoise eyes staring at him in disbelief.
“I can't believe you’re here. I mean...not after all that happened and how you chose to leave, without any explanation. Not that you owed one.” Caleb lowered his gaze, not knowing what to say.
“I came to talk to Ardan. I have an idea about how to get that Rowan kid out of wherever Phillip is holding him captive. I'm deeply sorry I hurt you like that. Both of you, and, when all this madness is over, I want to make it up to you both. By the way, how is...”
“My brother? You know him, always concerned with the others' well-being, always there when you need him, always giving, listening, never tired...Rowan's kidnapping marked him, though, as it did with us all.” Caleb's voice, gentle at the beginning, had an edge when he said the last few words.
“Of course, I'm concerned about Ardan. He's the heart and soul of this place, but I was asking you about Saint. I hurt him the most, and for so long. I don't know if he would or could ever forgive me. I don't deserve his forgiveness, but that's okay, as long as the two of you are happy together.” Zachary's eyes were brimming with tears, and he lowered his head to hide them.
“He's...quiet, sad, devastated, empty? None of these things and all of them together. Saint begs me to hold him close, which I do, although I know it’s your embrace he longs for, same as me. In those moments, I want you to be with us, whispering that everything will be alright. As for you deserving Saint's forgiveness or not, why don't you ask him yourself. He's right behind you.” Caleb's tone shifted from melancholic to lively, turquoise eyes shining with hope.
“I knew you would come back. I dreamed about this moment over the last seven years and again over the last few days. I wished and prayed for it, hoped for it. You’re here, and I'm grateful to whoever made it possible.”
Slowly turning around, Zachary faced Saint, whose eyes were filled with hope, love, uncertainty and fear of being rejected. He wanted his ex-lover with every fiber of his being, longed to feel him close, to hear the other man's heart beating next to him but was afraid to ask. And still, against his better judgement, Saint raised a hand, gently brushing the fingertips over Zachary's face.
Wrapping the other around his ex-lover's waist, he pulled him closer, losing himself in the moment, not thinking about anything else. Closing his eyes, the man touched the other one's lips with his own, tenderly, softly, slowly. A delicious fog descended over his mind, Zachary couldn't take it any longer and responded to the kiss with fierce passion, drinking Saint's soul dry, but also pouring some of his own soul back into him.
A few moments later, Caleb joined the two, and they started to kiss each other, the fire rekindled, burning brighter, more intense, consuming them whole. After a while, they stopped to catch their breath and, looking into each other's eyes, saw the reflections of their own souls. They belonged to each other, no matter what, their bond was indestructible.
“Let's go and talk to Ardan. I know how to get Rowan from where he's kept. The only things I need are the exact location and some good men.” Zachary smiled, gazing over his lovers. “I suppose I already have two volunteers.”
Ten minutes later, Caleb knocked softly on his brother's office's door. “Come on in, guys. It's open.” The sound of Ardan's voice, gentle and relaxed, made the three men smile and gave them confidence. “Zachary, I'm so happy you could come, too.”
“Like I've told my men here, I can get inside the place where Rowan is kept, trick Phillip into bragging about his evil deeds and record the conversation, which will later serve as evidence in court. I need some men who can eliminate the eventual opposition in a quick, effective way. Any recommendations?” Zachary was totally transfixed, talking and acting like a commander, much to the other three men's admiration and respect.
“Well, there would be Lothier; Jericho, who served as a marine more than a decade; Seymour; Landon; Caleb and me to start.” Saint finished the enumeration, giving Zachary a questioning look. “If you need more people, I'm sure that others would be more than happy to lend a hand.”
“No, it won’t be necessary. We'll also have Berl Abramsky to help us. The guy owes me big time.” Zachary's voice became dark as his eyes narrowed.