Well, I wasn’t sure at this point what I wanted to do. My body was reacting to her in a way that it hadn’t to anyone else in months. And that was a bad thing. With any other woman, it would be fine, but Harper had a weird obsession with me. When she started telling the guys about her daydream, I had to yank her away from the table. Their ears couldn’t handle what she was about to say.
And if my ears heard her finish that thought, I would bury my cock inside her against the wall, consequences be damned.
“Why don’t you go for it?” he asked.
“Because she’s got some weird obsession with me.”
“Yeah, that’s a bad thing,” he said mockingly.
“It is when she daydreams about me in the middle of the grocery store.”
“How hard it must be for you. All these women literally fall at your feet and you have a problem with that.”
“You’re misusing the word literally,” Fox piped up. “Nobody has literally fallen at his feet.”
“He’s right. She only spaces out,” I added.
“Still, what are you waiting for? She’s a sure thing.”
“So is a bullet to the head if you put a gun against it.”
“Not if it’s unloaded,” Scottie grinned.
These guys were pissing me off. “Lock, you get it.”
“I do. Edu’s not ready for a woman like that.”
“Exactly,” I said, frowning as I took in his words. “What?”
“Well, it’s pretty obvious. She’s too good for you.”
“In what way?” I was offended by that. I was a good catch.
He looked me up and down, then grinned. “You’re stunted.”
I covered my dick, feeling very judged. “I am not. You’ve seen for yourself.”
“Emotionally,” he said, eyeing me skeptically. “But if you feel there are other issues?—”
“There aren’t,” I snapped. “And I’m not emotionally stunted just because I don’t want a stalker coming after me.”
“She’s not a stalker,” Fox said, repeating the same shit he did in the grocery store. “As she said, you showed up at her place of work.”
“Well…she showed up here.”
“Yes, a local bar,” Scottie mocked. “Can you believe the nerve of her?”
As the guys all laughed at me, my eyes unintentionally flicked back to her table. Her toe was dangling at the tip of her shoe, just barely holding it in place. Her long legs ate up the space between the top of the stool and the ground below. I would never have guessed from her attire at the store that she had such an amazing body hidden under those ugly clothes, but here she was, looking so fucking sexy that I had a hard time tearing my eyes away.
“What you need is to build a fire,” I caught Scottie saying.
“Would you stop it with the fire?” Lock huffed. “Not everyone wants to build a fire. That analogy is getting old.”
“It’s never old,” he argued.
“I’m not building a fucking fire. That’s the last thing I want.”
“See?” Lock grinned at him. “He doesn’t want to build a fire.”