He pulled back, his eyes narrowing at me.
“You daydream about this guy?” Brock asked with a frown. “What about?”
Since he was already super uncomfortable and was doing his best to make me feel the same, I decided to mess around with him. “Well, one time, I had this amazing dream where I was pole dancing for him. That was pretty amazing.”
“What were you wearing?” Brock asked, leaning forward.
“You’re fucking taken,” Edu growled.
Brock instantly pulled back. “Strictly for the purposes of the daydream,” he clarified. “If you were wearing a nun’s habit, I would think that was weird.”
“I was not wearing a nun’s habit. I had on these super cute panties that barely covered anything and the string up my ass—” I yelped as Edu yanked me out of my seat and pulled me over to what I could only guess was the dance floor.
He pulled me flush against his body, gripping my hip hard as his other hand skimmed up my back, settling just around my neck. “What the fuck are you playing at?”
“Playing?” I asked, cocking my head at him. “Who says I’m playing?”
“Are you trying to mess with me?”
“Actually, I’m not a very good liar. What you see is what you get.”
“Try,” he gritted out, but his body said something completely different as he pulled me impossibly closer. I felt his length hardening against me, though it was clear by the look on his face that he wished he could control his reaction to me.
Feeling like my throat had dried up, I licked my lips and stared up into his brown eyes. “What would you like me to say?” It came out scratchy and low instead of the sultry tone I was shooting for.
His fingers bit into my hip for just a moment before he released me, stepping away from me. “I think your friend is here.”
I tore my gaze from his, looking at Luna waving at me from the doorway. As I turned back to Edu, he was already gone.
Well, that was slightly disappointing, but what did I really expect? For a moment, it seemed like he wanted to kiss me. I could feel how much I affected him, but for some reason, he just wasn’t interested in taking it further. I waved to Luna and snatched a table that had recently been vacated. Hoisting myself up onto the high stool, I realized I’d left my drink at the other table, but I wasn’t about to go over there now.
“You look amazing,” Luna gushed. “Who was that man you were dancing with?”
“We weren’t dancing,” I blushed. “He’s the man I was telling you about from the store.”
Her eyes widened comically. “That was him? Girl, he’s hot!”
“I know!” I giggled.
“He was really into you.”
I rolled my eyes at that. “I scared him off.”
“Girl, from where I stood, he wasn’t scared. He was about to devour you.”
I couldn’t help but laugh, then buried my face in my hands. “I made such an ass of myself in the grocery store. I’m surprised he even let me near him.”
“Well, based on the look he’s giving you right now, he either wants to strangle you or take you home and have his way with you.”
I peeked over my shoulder, even though it was the last thing I should be doing. She was right. His smoldering gaze was directed at me. There was only one thing to do from here.
“If you clenchthat glass any harder, it’s going to break,” Brock chuckled.
I instantly released it, unaware that I had been strangling it. I really wanted to wrap my hands around Harper’s throat and…