Page 158 of On the Double

“Good,” she snapped. “That’s what you needed.”

“I needed to know she was safe. I needed to find her!”

“You needed to be fucking sure,” she argued. “Harper didn’t need you to come around, only to freak out on her and leave her again. She needs you to be there for her one hundred percent, not half in. So, before I tell you where she is, you tell me right now, are you in for whatever happens? Or are you going to panic again and leave her behind?”

It was something I had debated with myself over and over for the last three months, and the answer was crystal clear in my mind. “I’m in.”

“Good. Then get some food and some sleep. She needs to see the man she loves, not the fucking shadow you’ve become.”

Despite gettinga full night’s sleep, I was still exhausted, but sleep wouldn’t come until I saw the woman I loved again. I insisted on coming by myself, but Rae wouldn’t allow that, telling me I needed someone to keep me in check, and since my team got called up for an assignment, I was left with whoever she assigned me.

That’s how I ended up with Dash and FNG preventing me from sleeping on the drive to her house.

“I’m telling you, it was in the movieFandango,” Dash snapped.

“Just because it was in a movie doesn’t mean that my grandpa didn’t come up with the phrase.”

Dash snorted. “Yeah, your grandfather came up with Lefty Loosey, Righty Tighty.”

“He did. I remember him telling me when I was a kid.”

“Then maybe he heard it from the film and repeated it.”

“You’re full of crap,” FNG growled.

“This coming from the man who apparently found Aztec gold.”

“You don’t believe me?”

“Nobody fucking believes you,” Dash retorted.

I was about ready to kick them both out of the minivan and leave their asses behind. “Shut up!” I snapped. “Nobody cares who invented the phrase.”

“I do,” Dash muttered.

“Nobody else does. Fucking hell, can you both stay silent until we get to her house?”

“Why should we have to be quiet?” FNG grouses. “We’re the ones being forced to come along on this…mission.”

“Fuck, it’s only twenty more minutes. Do you think you could just shut the fuck up for that long?”

They shared a glare, but kept quiet the rest of the way. The closer we got, the harder it was for me to sit still. I was desperate to see her and terrified at the same time. What if she didn’t want to see me? What if the things I said couldn’t be forgiven?

As we drove through the small town, I had to admit that Rae chose well. The area was quaint and filled with small-town charm. There was a small grocery store, a bookstore, and a single gas station where the attendants still came out and pumped gas for local residents.

The ache in my chest eased slightly knowing Rae had relocated her to such a decent place. When we turned down her street, my heart rate sped up. I was here, finally within reach of the woman I loved.

“That’s it,” Dash said, nodding to the house with the house number 804 in white letters down the front porch post.

I took in a deep breath and shoved the door open, but moving toward the house was an all-new challenge. After months of searching, I finally found her, but now I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t want to screw this up again, and I was terrified that she would slam the door in my face.

But there was only one way to find out. I marched up the steps and knocked on the front door, ignoring the fact that ice coated each step. It was a safety hazard, but if I brought that up the first time I saw her, I’d only piss her off.

The door swung open and tears sprung to my eyes at the sight ofher. She was beautiful. Those violet eyes studied me like I was a wild animal, and her hands were clenched tight in fists. My eyes slowly drifted over her, taking in all the changes to her body in the past three months. Her face was a little fuller. Her breasts…fucking hell, they were gorgeous. But what struck me hardest was the small bump she was sporting under her tight shirt.

I slid my hand over my mouth, nearly breaking down in tears as I stared at our child. “Harper,” I croaked out.

She shook her head slightly, then slammed the door in my face.