Page 59 of Baby Bodyguard

He didn’t bother arguing. What was the point? “We don’t even know if they’re here. Isuggest we take this one step at a time.”

“I’ll give you five minutes. Then I’m doing it my way.”


Grabbing her arm, he hustled her toward the path. Trees and bushes helped conceal their approach. At the edge of the tree line, Noah hesitated. Babe’s guess had been right, after all. The limo was parked at the side of the house, though he couldn’t see any movement coming from the cabin.

“Keep down and take up a position on the left side of the back door.” She didn’t reply, but the expression in her eyes said it all. He sighed. “I’ve changed the plan. Loner won’t hurt Reggie unless Sami’s in imminent danger. Ipromise.”

“I expect you to keep that promise.” Her breath shuddered from her lungs. “Please.”

He would. He always did. “Wait until I signal you, then follow. Got it?”

Running in a crouch, Noah reached the back of the cabin without arousing any attention. Hunkered down against the wall, he gestured for Babe to follow. Once they were in position, Loner slipped silently up to him and crouched in preparation.

This wasn’t the first attack drill they’d run. Reaching up, Noah softy turned the doorknob, just enough to release the catch. It gave beneath his hand and he signaled Loner, repeating the gesture a second time to be certain the animal understood.

The instant he released the dog, Loner burst through the door with the sort of frenzied howl guaranteed to terrorize the most hearty souls. It ended abruptly, raising the hairs on the back of Noah’s neck. Babe burst into tears, but he didn’t have time to deal with her. Taking a deep breath, he burst through the door low, yanking his revolver free and training it on—


Sami and Reggie sat at a table, ahot-and-heavy gin rummy match going on between them. Instead of growling or howling or gnawing, Loner had plopped down between them, moaning in sheer delight as Sami scratched one ear and Reggie worked on the other. As far as Noah could tell, the only person in imminent danger washim.

Noah cleared his throat. “Reggie,” he said with a nod. “Good to see you.”

“And you, my boy.” He lifted an eyebrow, eyeing the gun. “If you wanted to be dealt in, all you had to do was ask.”

Sami slammed her cards to the table. “No, Uncle Reg,” she bit out. “The line is… Is that a gun or are you just happy to see me?”

Reggie shrugged, sorting his cards. “I believe that expression works better for you than it would for me.”

Sami fixed Noah with an infuriated glare. “Let me guess. That’s the odd-shaped electric shaver you were in such a big hurry to hide in your drawer. Am I close?”

“Something like that.” Releasing the clip from his gun, Noah ejected the round still in the chamber. Reloading the bullet into the clip, he slipped it into his back pocket and tucked the gun out of sight in the waistband of his jeans. “I get the feeling I should give up shaving from now on.”

Sami’s eyes narrowed. “Wise decision.”

“Reggie!” Babe came crashing through the back door just then. “Reggie, are you all right?”

“He wasn’t the one abducted, Mom. Iwas,” Sami thought to mention.

Noah’s hands collapsed into fists. “Would someone please tell me what the hell is going on? Babe shows me blackmail notes addressed to Sami. Widget says Bill’s abducted her. And I’m left holding a… a loaded shaver. Somebody better start explaining and fast.”

“Reggie,” Sami prompted gently. “It’s time for the truth.”

He lay down his cards with meticulous care. “Gin,” hesaid.

“I’m serious.”

“I know you are.” His gaze didn’t shift from the cards in front of him. “You also know I can’t do that.”

“Why don’t I do it for you?”

“No, thank you, my dear.” Very slowly he stood, adjusting his bow tie. “If everyone will excuse me, it’s time I returned to the city.”

Babe hastened to his side, grabbing his arm. “No. You aren’t going anywhere until I get some answers.”

Reggie carefully disengaged his arm from her grasp and stepped away. “Don’t you understand, sweetheart? You’re theone I can’t tell.” With that, he turned, his spine ruler-straight, and left the cabin.