Page 58 of Baby Bodyguard

He swung onto the dirt road, bouncing through ruts with careless disregard. “There is no ‘we,’ Babe. You’re waiting in the Jeep. Loner and I are taking care of this.”

“Not a chance,” she protested. “I’m not staying here by myself. I’ll do something stupid if you leave me behind.”

“Better safe and stupid, then clever and injured.” He nailed her with a grim look. “At least I’ll have managed to protect one of you.”

Babe sighed. “Oh, Noah. You’re not blaming yourself for Sami being taken, are you?”

“Of course I’m blaming myself,” he retorted viciously. “That’s what happens when you let your guard down.”

Her expression gentled. “Or when you allow someone to slip beneath your guard? It’s personal between the two of you, isn’t it?”

“If it wasn’t, she’d be safe at home and I wouldn’t be cursing myself for acting like an incompetent idiot.” He swerved the Jeep to the side of the road and killed the engine. “You might as well know right now. I’m in love with your daughter.”

Babe chuckled. “Well, of course you are. You were supposed to fall in love with her.”

That caught him by surprise. “I thought— You said we weren’t right for each other.”

Her laughter grew, filling the Jeep. “Honey, there isn’t a man alive who can stand being told no when it comes to a woman. If I’d thrown Sami at you, you’d have been out of there like a shot. But tell a man some pretty young thing is forbidden fruit and he can’t keep his hands off her. I’m not above devious manipulation or relentless matchmaking. Why do you think I chose you in the first place?”

Aw, hell. “You said it was because I owed you.”

“Well, you don’t. You and I both know that, don’t we?”

He was torn between amusement and irritation. “We do now.”

“Don’t be mad, sweetie. You meant well all those years ago. It’s just that I’d already made up my mind not to marry Mel. But since you were intent on being noble and protective, Ilet you think you were saving me from disaster.” She opened the Jeep door and shook her head in disgust. “Men. You really do think blond means dumb.”

Blond did not mean dumb. Maybe he ought to write that down. He exited the Jeep, as well, surreptitiously signaling Loner to distract Babe. Under the cover of the dog’s playful antics, he reached beneath his seat and recovered his “shaving kit.” Unzipping the case, he removed the semiautomatic it contained and slapped the clip in place. Jacking a round in the chamber, he tucked the gun in the back of his jeans. “Your daughter…” he said, returning the case to its hiding place. “She’s—”

“Just like me, sweetie.” Babe smiled cheerfully, oblivious to what he’d been doing. “I suggest you give in right here and now because you don’t have a chance in the world of outmaneuvering that girl.”

He nodded. “That’s what I thought.”

She patted his arm. “It won’t be so bad. Honest.”

“I’ll take your word for it.” He scanned the hillside, looking for the best approach. “I don’t suppose I can convince you to wait here?”

“I haven’t changed my mind in the two minutes since we last discussed the possibility.”

No surprise there. Still, he’d been obligated to ask. “This is what I suggest. We’ll take that path over there.” He pointed. “And slip right up to the house. I’m hoping Reggie is as lax as your daughter about security and hasn’t locked the back door.”

“And then?”

“I’m going to open it and signal Loner.” She wouldn’t like this next part. “Loner will take Reggie down.”


“It’s your daughter or your brother-in-law, Babe. Choose.”

“There has to be another way.” Tears burned her eyes, turning the blue incandescent. “I’ve lost enough people in my life. Ican’t stand to lose Reggie, too.”

Oh, for— “Loner won’t kill him,” Noah explained gently. “He’ll just… just gnaw on him a bit.”

She rewarded his candor with a fist to his chest. “And I’m telling you Reggie wouldn’t hurt Sami. If he’s taken her, there’s a good reason.” She socked him again before he could avoidthe blow. “I’m warning you, Hawke. If your mangy wolf does anything to hurt Reggie, Iswear I’ll never speak to you again. Do you hear me?”

“What about your daughter?” he practically roared.

“You find a way to get us in that cabin without any injuries or I’ll walk up to the front door and find out what the hell is going on all by my lonesome. Do I make myself perfectly clear?”