In one smooth movement, Noah straightened away from the computer and pocketed his glasses. “Excuse me a moment,” he said, offering Widget a smile that brought an attractive glow to her face. He reached Sami in three short steps. Grasping her arm, he ushered her from theroom.
“What? What’s wrong?”
“If you knew me better, you wouldn’t find it necessary to check up on me.”
“But you’ve never done this before,” she protested. “I thought you might need help.”
“Do I look incapable?”
No! “I’ll admit, that’s not the primary word I’d use to describe you.”
“Do I seem confused over the parameters of the task you’ve assigned me?”
She cleared her throat. “No, you don’t look confused.” She shot him a quick glance. “Annoyed, perhaps. But not confused.”
“Can you see me playing the part of a tough employer?”
“As a matter of fact, Ican.”
“Then why would you think I need help?”
He had her with that one. “Because you’re new around here.” She seized on the first excuse she happenedupon.
“I see.”
No he didn’t. She might be slow in some areas, but his ironic tone didn’t escape her attention. She wriggled in his grasp and he instantly released her, folding his arms across his chest. Despite his air of detachment, she suspected emotion smoldered just beneath the surface. She couldn’t remember a time when she’d been this unnerved by someone. Even the toughest individual melted beneath her smile. But Noah was different.Verydifferent.
“Since I haven’t seen your résumé, Iwouldn’t know what you can do and what you can’t.” She warmed to her theme. “It’s only natural that I’d want to check up on you. Make sure you’re not having any trouble.”
“Ms. Fontaine?”
“Make it Sami. No one ever—”
“Ms. Fontaine.”
She swallowed. When had their roles reversed? She could have sworn she was supposed to be the employer. Unfortunately, the icy way he said her name had her snapping to attention like the greenest of employees. “Yes?” By sheer dint of will she managed to swallow the “Yes, sir?” his tone inspired.
“If I tell you I can handle it, will you trust me?”
“Absolutely,” seemed the smartest response.
“I’m going back in the computer room now.”
“You don’t want me to come in again, do you?”
He actually smiled, adelicious curve of broad lips. She stared, fascinated. “Wise decision.” With that, he turned and reentered the computer room, closing the door firmly behindhim.
Sami slumped against the wall. “Oh, dear,” she murmured. “I am in serious trouble.”
“Well? Did shebuy your story?” Babe demanded.
Noah sighed. “She bought it. Not that it’ll do any good.”
“What do you mean?”
“There are too many people with free access to the house.” He folded clothing into his duffel bag, holding the receiver to his ear with a lifted shoulder. “That makes the situation much more difficult to control.”
“Oh. You mean Sami’s work project. Iwouldn’t worry about that. Ican’t believe the women my daughter’s helping would want to harm her.”