“At the risk of offending you again, you might want to consider giving Carmela lessons, too.”
Sami chuckled. “She did get a little overenthusiastic with her paintbox, didn’t she?”
“Nicely put. Iassume Leonard is in charge of résumés?”
“And giving Widget practice interviews. She’s very shy. So far we haven’t gotten her to speak above a whisper. But I have confidence we’ll make a breakthrough soon.”
“Maybe I can help with that.”
She touched his arm without thinking and the muscles bunched beneath her fingertips, communicating an instant tension. Awareness filled her, an awareness she had no business feeling. Why had her mother hired someone so attractive? Couldn’t she have chosen someone older? Or less well put together? Or better yet, ugly? Ugly would have helped a lot. Maybe. Or it would have right up until he fixed those silver-gray eyes on her and spoken in that smoky-dark voice. Then she’d have tumbled every bit ashard.
Her eyes widened. Tumbled? Hard? Oh, no. No, no,no.Thoughts of that sort could only get her into serious trouble.
She snatched her hand away from his arm and shoved open the door to the computer room. “Well,” she announced brightly.“Here you are. Everything you’ll need to help Widget create a résumé and practice her interview. And look! Here she comes now.”
He was using that sexy voice on her again. She backed away. “I’ll run along and check on Carmela and Daria and make sure Loner hasn’t eaten any of the kids.” She pasted a grin on her face. “That’s a joke, by the way. Iguess I’ll see you later.”
He inclined his head, amusement cutting furrows of laughter on either side of his mouth. “Right. See you later.”
She lifted a hand. “’Bye.”
She couldn’t think of another blessed thing to say. Mustering every remaining ounce of poise, she turned on her heel and walked away. She felt him watch her each step of the way. She didn’t dare look over her shoulder. Otherwise she’d be forced to witness his amusement growing to open laughter. How humiliating.
Sami managed to give him an entire five minutes alone with Widget before curiosity compelled her to peek into the computer room. Widget sat in front of the computer, cautiously pecking at the keys while Noah stood behind her, watching, his glasses perched on the tip of his nose. Every once in a while, she’d glance over her shoulder and smile timidly.
He’d made quite an impact, Sami noted, pleased. But then, he’d made quite an impact on her, as well. Considering she’d been ready and all too willing to father a child with him… Yeah, she’d call that an impact. For the first time since her preteen years, ablush warmed her cheeks.
“Problem?” he called toher.
Of course he’d noticed her spying. “Just wondering if you needed help,” she said breezily.
“I have everything under control.”
“He’s wonderful,” Widget confessed shyly. “He said I could practice on him.”
Sami’s brows jerked upward. “Practice?”
A knowing look gleamed in Noah’s eyes. “Her interview. I’m going to play the part of a prospective employer.”
“Oh.” How did she phrase her next question without giving insult? “Do you know what sort of questions to ask?”
“I think I can manage. After all, Ihad you as an example.”
Cute. “You’re supposed to make it tough on Widget. She needs to be prepared for anything.”
“Got it.”
She stepped into the room. “Really grill her. Force her to stand up for herself so she learns not to be intimidated.”
“I understand.”
“Perhaps I should—”