Twenty Nine
It was after midnight when I checked my phone again, looking to see if I had a text message from Ethan. I had no idea where he went or what he was doing, but something told me that I wasn’t going to like it when I found out. The monitors beeped steadily next to me as they confirmed that they were still working to keep my baby sister alive.
Lucy had been moved to the ICU unit and had yet to wake up. Her injuries were severe, with internal bleeding that required surgery. Her face was shades of blue and purple as the bruises started to set, accompanied by the stitches that were needed along her cheek where he had taken out the majority of his frustration. My fingers were achy from holding her hand for so long in an awkward position, but I couldn’t find the strength to let go.
My parents had found someone to watch Jackson as he slept, completely unaware that anything had happened. For now, he thought that his momma was working another graveyard shift at the hospital instead of worrying about how she was fighting for her life after his daddy tried to kill her. He was too little to have to worry about any of that, and we were damned to keep him from finding out if he didn’t have to.
Brittany had been by my side while we were in the waiting room, but after Lucy was moved to the ICU, only one person was allowed to be with her. Even that was an exception the staff made for us given how well they knew Lucy. I begged my family to go home and get some sleep, promising them that we would all take turns being with her until she woke up. There was no way that I was leaving her, and they all knew that.
My eyes felt heavy, desperate for sleep in the quiet, dark room. The margaritas had worn off the second I heard she was in trouble, but the after-effects were lingering pretty heavily. My body was sore and achy as I shifted my position in the uncomfortable chair beside her bed.
I was watching tv with the sound off when I heard my phone vibrate on the table next to me. I quickly slid my hand out of Lucy’s and grabbed it before it could wake her up, which was silly given how I was praying for her to wake up. I slide my finger across the screen to unlock it, relieved to find a text message from Ethan.
Ethan: Sorry, I got tied up. How’s Lucy?
Me: She’s been moved to the ICU but hasn’t woken up. The surgery went well but she’s still fighting for her life.
I felt the tears slide down my face as I pressed send. How did the night turn so dramatically? We started out celebrating her new job, and now here I was, sitting next to her hospital bed, praying that she was strong enough to survive this and that she would wake up soon.
Ethan: Are you allowed to have company?
Me: No, they only allow 1 person in the room at a time. Hospital rules.
Ethan: You know I don’t follow the rules very well.
I rolled my eyes and felt guilty about the smile that was trying to spread across my face. Now wasn’t the time or place to be smiling and feeling happy.
Me: So I’ve seen…
Ethan: I’m on my way up. What room is she in?
Me: They’re not going to let you in. You have to have them unlock the door and they’re not going to. You should go home and get some rest. I’ll text you an update tomorrow.
Ethan: What room?
He was persistent, to say the least. I was too exhausted to argue with him about this. He would have to find out on his own that they weren’t going to let him up here.
Me: 1041
Ethan: On my way.
I put my phone down next to me and rubbed Lucy’s hand before turning my attention back to the tv. A few minutes later, I heard the door open and expected to see a nurse coming in to check on Lucy. Ethan ducked his head in and smiled before slipping inside, holding the door as it gently closed. He gave me a quick head nod with a smile before he walked over and sat by me. I blinked a few times, convinced that I must be so tired that I was hallucinating that he was in the room.
“What are you doing here?” I hissed quietly at him.
“I told you I was on my way up,” he shrugged.
“Did you sneak up here? You’re going to get in trouble, they’re going to kick you out…” My voice trailed off as I got lost in thought about what would possibly happen. Would they just ask him to leave, or would it be super dramatic like the rerun tv shows I had been watching for the past few hours?
“They let me in,” he said as he leaned back and rested his ankle on his knee. “How are you holding up?”
“I’m tired,” I sighed, leaning back to relax when the light hit his face and I saw the outline of a black eye. “What the hell happened to you?!” I asked in a harsh whisper. “Where did you go when you left here?”
“It’s nothing.” He shook his head and looked away.